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PRIMA-News: Protest Action Against Tearing Down Mosque In Astrakhan

posted by FerrasB on April, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

11.4.2006 13:04 MSK
Protest action against tearing down mosque in Astrakhan
RUSSIA, Moscow. On April 10th, in Moscow, on the Gorbat Bridge near the Russian government buildings, a protest action was held against the tearing down of a mosque in Astrakhan. On January 18th, the Soviet District Court of Astrakhan upheld the decision of Astrakhan Mayor Sergey Bozhenov concerning the removal of Mosque № 34. On March 1st, the Provincial Court affirmed his decision.

In 1998, Astrakhan City Hall, at the request of the city’s Muslim community, purchased a small plot of land, and leased 0.3 additional hectares. All documents concerning the building were filed with the Department of Real Estate and the design was documented with the Architectural Administration of Astrakhan. Participants in the action reported that the mosque is approximately half built.

In 2005, the new mayor of Astrakhan, Sergey Bozhenov forbade further building under the pretext that property is near an electric power line. Participants in the action emphasized that building permits were coordinated with city power engineers. They believe opposition to the erection of mosque began after Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Astrakhan. According to the protestors, Putin expressed disapproval of the mosque’s location. About 10 people participated in the picketing, including representatives from Astrakhan, participants in the building of the mosque, and the Astrakhan and Moscow departments of the public movement "For Human Rights".
Participants in the action carried the flags of the People's Democratic Party "Vatan" and the Republic of Tatarstan, and posters reading: "Mayor of Astrakhan city, Bozhenov, wants to tear down our mosque!", "Russia is a multinational state. Muslims are full-fledged citizens "," We will not allow you to destroy our temple!", "Shame on Islamophobes in Astrakhan!", "We request the government of Russia help preserve our mosque № 34! You insult the feeling of believers!", "We respect authority and demand that they respect us!", " Destroying the mosque - means destroying the souls of believers", and "Places of worship are protected".

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2006-04-10-Rus-31]

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