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Wanadoo: Russian Parliament Urges Britain To Extradite Tycoon

posted by FerrasB on March, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Russian parliament urges Britain to extradite tycoon
25-03-2006 / 12:05
The Russian parliament has called on Britain to hand over billionaire tycoon Boris Berezovsky, who is wanted in his homeland for allegedly plotting a coup.
Boris Berezovsky
Boris Berezovsky

"Britain has refused to extradite Berezovsky, who is wanted under an international arrest warrant and ... continues his activities undermining Russian security," members of Russia's lower house of parliament, or Duma, said in a resolution.

The document was approved by all 426 legislators present.

Britain's parliament must "assess the situation" created by Berezovsky, who was granted asylum in 2003, the resolution said.

"Advocating the violent overthrow of a sovereign state is unacceptable," the resolution quoted British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw as saying in a written ministerial statement published by the lower House of Commons last month.

"The UK government will take action against those who use the UK as a base from which to foment violent disorder or terrorism in other countries.

"Those granted asylum ... are advised that their refugee status can be reviewed at any time where it is considered their presence is not conducive to the public good," Straw had added.

Russia's public prosecutor's office last month opened legal proceedings against the tycoon.

Berezovsky told AFP on January 23 that he wanted to invest his fortune in organising a coup in Russia to "re-establish" the Russian constitution by 2008, deemed "demolished" by President Vladimir Putin.

He later repeated his statement on Moscow Echo radio.

The disgraced eminence grise of Putin's predecessor Boris Yeltsin and one-time media baron fled Russia in 2000 after Putin's rise to power, saying that charges of large-scale fraud and swindling against him were politically motivated.

News agencies on Friday quoted Britain's ambassador to Russia, Anthony Brenton, as saying that any decision on Berezovsky would have to be made by British courts and not the government of Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Russian legislators also said that several Russian nationals living in Britain who were "implicated in corruption cases ... are trying to use suspicious funds to destabilize or influence sovereign states".

According to the president of the Duma committee for security issues, Vladimir Vasiliyev, Britain has become the home of 15 Russian nationals wanted under international arrest warrants for their suspected involvement in Russia's once number one oil producer Yukos under investigation for fraud.

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