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CHECHENPRESS: Michael Trepashkin - An Example Of Honour, Courage And A fFdelity

posted by FerrasB on December, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

Decmber, 7, 2005

Michael Trepashkin - an example of honour, courage and a fidelity to a civic duty

So-called nijnetagilsk "court" has once again executed Putin's and Petrushev's will and has left in camp for two more years of our comrade Trepashkin Michael Ivanovich. That lawyer of Trepashkin has proved participation of FSB of Russia in explosions of apartment houses in 1999, knows practically all world. Even before the first arrest of lawyer Trepashkin, many Russians doubted that their own special services are capable of such monstrous crimes against people. These naive "lovers" of the native land and her "protectors" in blue uniforms, with foam at a mouth proved: "Our people could never do this!"

After punishment of Michael Trepashkin, the idiots believing in cleanliness and sanctity "organs", even in a building on Lubjanka practically did not remain. That without court and investigation special services of Russia kill innocent, are engaged in terrorism and other grave crimes, today knows everyone! As against various talkers and the villains using so-called "fight with terrorism" for deduction of authority and filling of own pockets, Michael Trepashkin face to face resists to this international terrorism with face of the president of Russia Putin and his improvised Ivanov, Petrushev, Budanov, Ulman and other murderers and tyrants.

Having sent Michael for two years behind a barbed wire, so-called "judge" motivated the decision with that "arrestant yet is not reformed!" You see, if to follow official logic of this swindler from a judicial mafia Trepashkin with his honesty and intractability, for present Russian authority is most that on is dangerous "criminal" whom to release is simply impossible. Once him already released, and what? Not only that Trepashkin does not take bribes, does not trade, does not have million accounts in foreign banks, has no yachts and multi-storey private residences as others FSB agents, he literally on next day after release has arranged in Moscow press conference for the Russian and foreign MASS-MEDIA where once again has publicly sounded all proofs about participation of the Russian authority in terrorism and murders of innocent.

If he, for example, was the terrorist, the bribe taker, the traitor and the thief as his former colleague Patrushev, or even has received a yacht "Olympia" for 50 million  from Abramovich as his other former colleague Putin, or, on an extreme case, shot pregnant women, old men and children then Trepashkn still might release in Russia on freedom! But such as Michael Trepashkin in Putin's Russia, stuck in corruption, gangsterism, a genocide, nazism, hatred and lie, the place may be only behind a prison lattice. And let, despite of all camp torments, Michael Trepashkin never please the executioners "didn't become better" in their perverted understanding, and always remained what he is - the fair and incorruptible citizen of the country.


The message has just arrived, that lawyer Sergey Brovchenko, protecting Michael Trepashkin's interests, is condemned by Putin's court for 6 years and 7 months of the conclusion on ridiculous accusation "for preparation for selling of drugs". So in modern Russia finish not only with opponents of chekist regime, but also with the lawyers, daring to protect them before Putin's inquisitors.

Alexander Litvinenko, London, for CHECHENPRESS, 03.12.05


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