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Anthony Halpin/KC: «I found myself confused»

posted by FerrasB on December, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

«I found myself confused»
Letter to KC editorial
I just wanted to let you know how very informative and interesting your website is. Before visiting your site I knew only 'scraps' of information about the Chechyan struggle, and having spent a considerable time reading your articles and related material, I am truly shocked.
I am shocked at the scale of 'disappearances', fatalities ... and most of all, the West's casual attitude towards it. In the case some countries I can see greed as being a motivating factor for this silence, but in the case of Ireland - where I am from - I found myself confused.
It eventually dawned on me. Yes, economics, but more is the pathetic need which our government has not just to be liked by the World, but loved! That is my best guess. I visited Russia in 2001 and was practically beaten up by a trolleybus conductor for nothing.
My brilliant government would not complain on my behalf. That might look bad. What would people think of us if we started complaining to protect our citizens? Actually the mindset reminds me of the worst type of communism: to hell with the people, as long as everything looks good to everyone else.
I put our inaction down to this type of inferiority complex. Having spent 3 years working with Refugees here, I encountered Russians, Latvians, Estonians, Ukrainians ... even Moldovans. Never Chechnyans. I often wonder about that. Perhaps that might upset people too. I am amazed, given our background, that the Irish Government is so pathetic.
Meanwhile our streets are full of Russians who make a point of practically shouting in conversation. That's a good one. Our tax money pays for them, but if I want to go for 2 weeks holiday to their country to spend money, psychopath soldiers push me off the footpath for speaking english.
I hate to say it, but racism and brutality seem to me to be an important component of Russian culture. I feel nothing but pity for the people of Chechnya, and I wish I could do something - anything - to help. I am ashamed. I am also ashamed of my fellow so - called 'Irish', who have forgotten / want to forget who they are.
Anthony Halpin, Irish
2005-12-17 14:45:36

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