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Itar-Tass: Another Victim Killed In Accident In Gulf Of Finland Found

posted by FerrasB on July, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

Another victim killed in accident in Gulf of Finland found

20.06.2005, 15.25

ST.PETERSBURG, June 20 (Itar-Tass) -- The personnel of the Petrodvorets Museum have found a body of a man washed ashore from the Gulf of Finland. The man is presumably one of the group of cadets of the St. Petersburg Naval Academy who perished on June 8 when their boat capsized in the sea. No official identification of the body has been made yet.

A six-oar rowing boat with eight men on board capsized in the mouth of the Neva River on June 8. Two men were rescued, one was found dead on the following day after the accident, three more bodies were found last weekend and identified. The fate of two men from board the ill- fated boat was unknown yet.

The accident occurred during a rowing drill for cadets of the St. Petersburg Naval Academy held in the Gulf of Finland.

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