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PRIMA - News: Uzbek Oppositionists And Radio Freedom Correspondent Detained...

posted by FerrasB on July, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

28.6.2005 12:43 MSK
Uzbek oppositionists and Radio Freedom correspondent detained in Andizhan
RUSSIA, Moscow. Several opposition activists and Radio Svoboda (Freedom)-Free Europe correspondent Gafuryan Yuldashev were detained in the Uzbek city of Andizhan, according to Russian radio service, Radio Svoboda. Yuldashev arrived in Andizhan on June 26th to interview representatives of the opposition, including members of the Democratic Party "Erk".

The police detained the journalist and the oppositionists in the cafe where they were meeting and delivered them to the police department. All the detained were released after four hours of questioning. Documents and diskettes were taken from Yuldashev.

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA - News Agency [2005-06-27-Uzbek-25]

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