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Alexander Litvinenko/Chechenpress: The Indecent Society

posted by FerrasB on June, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

June, 03, 2005

The Indecent Society

"Prisoners are those, who remain slaves of the System, who are compelled to be humiliated, to lie, to behave meanly for preservation of their incomes and doubtful position in this indecent society" (Michael Hodorkovskiy).

On the 31 st of May, the last day of spring, Putin and his friends-security officers committed one more especially mean crime: according to their instructions three absolutely innocent, and consequently very decent person - Michael Hodorkovskiy, Platon Lebedev and Andrey Krainov were illegally condemned. Why do I write decent? because in Putin's Russia only those, who struggle against the security officers' scum with all possible means and consequently are compelled to be either in immigration, or in prison, or in mountains, among the fighters of the Chechen Resistance, can be named decent. Only there and nowhere else it is more possible to meet a decent person, who worries for the Native land and does his best to release it.

There are no doubts that after ritual process against the heads of the "YUKOS", which I just can not name to be legal proceedings, many people from those, who live in the indecent society, will begin to argue: whether Hodorkovskiy and his colleagues were judged too severely or not? How will this verdict influence on the international image of Russia and whether after that a stream of investments into the local economy will decrease? Politicians and political scientists, journalists and lawyers, solicitors and deputies for a long time will convince each other of that, how much Hodorkovskiy and his friends are guilty or not, whether they have behaved correctly, when denied the deal with Putin, having refused to politicize and did not gave the company belonging them to security officers voluntarily. And this speaking and writing Kremlin -about party or the so-called "elite of the indecent society" will sigh - on the one hand, as if feeling pity for Hodorkovskiy, and on the other hand, will shiver with fear for its own skin, carefully choosing expressions, so that (Perish the thought!) not to make Putin and his KGB friends, sitting behind the Kremlin wall, angry.

But those, who are enemies for security officers, instead of a manual "opposition" reared on budgetary money by Putin's Gebbels-Surkov, are not absolutely interested in what security officers in Lubyanka have cooked up against Michael Hodorkovskiy and Platon Lebedev. And we do not need, as the American President George Bush to waste precious time for translation and studying of this thousand-papered cooking once again to be convinced that Putin and his KGB court is the most primitive gangsters and swindlers.

Michael Hodorkovskiy and Platon Lebedev are POLITICAL CONVICTS so – they are OURS, and we shall struggle for them despite of everything! Our comrades, who have turned out to be in the KGB torture chambers, will never remain alone! Today, in the day of pronouncing of this mean and shameful verdict, having nothing common with justice, thousands of political prisoners express solidarity with Michael Hodorkovskiy and Platon Lebedev; those, who were and are in prisons, protecting the right of people for freedom, millions of fair people on the whole planet - for whom human rights are one of the main principles of life.

And the werewolves in public prosecutor's uniforms and judicial cloaks, forging "criminal" cases, and then adding and counting up years of imprisonment, do not need to be troubled - very soon the day will come, when prison locks are broken and our comrades arrested by security officers go out.

You are working so hard in vain; you judge yourselves, not us!

In the end I would like to appeal to those misters, who begin to understand, what actually happens to Putin's Russia and who actually is mysterious GBist Mr. Pu; to those, who do not need to be explained, that Putin is a real Nazi, who plunders Jews only because they are Jews, and kills Chechens, because they are Chechens. I would like to appeal to those, who still have human conscience and for whom this indecent and stinking cannibal society, in which one should lie, behave meanly, killing people, to be humiliated for preservation of the incomes and doubtful position. Dear Sirs, it is necessary to help those, who struggles against KGBism, who resists to the KGB terrorist infection, not letting it to creep away worldwide, in order to destroy Putin's regime in Russia, so that there would be no security officers in the country. It is necessary to help political convicts, who are in prisons and who are tortured today by security officers, demanding repentance from them. It is necessary to help fighters of the Chechen Resistance, who with the weapon in hands die in the last ditch, winning the right of their and other peoples for life.

Only all together, understanding, that all of us have a general enemy named KGBISM, and not separating each other for "terrorists" and "swindlers", "thieves" and "traitors" (as it would be desirable for Putin and his friends), we can overcome this plague of the 21 st century.

Alexander Litvinenko, London , for Chechenpress


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