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Itar-Tass: Hundreds Of Grenades Found In Two Caches In Russia's Jewish Reg

posted by FerrasB on June, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

Hundreds of grenades found in two caches in Russia's Jewish Reg

10.06.2005, 09.10

BIROBIDZHAN, June 10 (Itar-Tass) - Specialists of the Federal Security Service's department in the Jewish Autonomous Region found two caches containing 770 live grenades and about 900 fuses for them.

The hidden boxes of grenades were found on June 6 and 9 near the small railway settlement of Bira.

Eight years ago, ammunition depots of the Defence Ministry were on fire and exploded there, and tens of thousands of projectiles, grenades, mines and TNT cartridges scattered at the range of about five kilometres.

Local residents and criminal groups from the Amur and Primorsky territories have looked for and found ammunition in the area.

The security service has seized about a thousand grenades, five artillery shells, 40 kilogrammes of trinitrotoluene and more than a thousand of fuses this year alone, the security department's spokesman Vladimir Zhuravlyov said.

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