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Vladimir Krapivinskiy For Chechenpress: New Methods Of Protection Of The Empire!

posted by FerrasB on April, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

April, 19, 2005

New methods of protection of the empire!

I should express my opinion about the recently found "know-how" - in apologetics of the state of an imperial type! I found it not somewhere, but in almost the only democratic newspaper remained in Russia , "The New newspaper", in Julia Latynina's sketch "It is a failure".

In comparison with her even Chubays, with his idea of "liberal empire", is a simple boy in shorts! In fact, even he has not guessed to oppose an empire to a Nazi state (with the purpose to prove its advantage!)!

But we shall read Latynina's opus. "An empire, - she writes, - is a state, where barbarians (vestgots, sunns or Chechens) can achieve the highest posts up to imperial ones ". (The speech is precisely about Georgian Stalin - the governor of the Soviet empire, and German Ekaterina II – Russian empress).

Then Julia writes: " Russia was an empire. The son of imam Shamil became an imperial general. The imperial model was kept also by the USSR ". (" And it is good!" – Her opinion can be easily read. She has just forgotten to specify, that the father of that "imperial general", that is, Shamil - for some reason was at war against that remarkable empire!).

But then we read: "Putin's regime realizes another model. Russian nation is the superior one". Well, Julia is right in this charge (and only in it!)! However, how one should understand everything, she has written earlier? If today Russia was an empire, there would be no war with the Chechen Republic ? But in fact in days of General Yermolov it precisely was an empire! And still it was at war with the Chechen Republic !

Latynina has perfectly shown herself, that today's Russia is a Nazi state! So, I shall not repeat. But also its imperialism is easily proved with the same logic. Whether we do not have enough examples, when natives from the Caucasus or representatives of other people held very high posts in Russia ?! Recently, the post of the speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation , the second by value after the president - was held by a Chechen R. Khasbulatov! The former head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Ivanov is a half Georgian! Chubays is a Latvian. Prime-minister Fradkov is a Jew. Ministers: Shoigu, Zurabov, Gref are also non-Russians! There are a lot of examples. But this is the mean essence of the empire that all non-Russians, who have achieved high posts, were transformed into mankurts (traitors)! That is, they do not consider themselves to be Chechens, Georgians, Jews, Germans, Tatars, etc any more.

One Jew has told me about himself: "I am a Russian patriot, who has been brought up with the Great Russian culture!" I think all non-Russians, mentioned (and not mentioned) above! I think that the son of great Shamil became an imperial general because he had forgotten his nation and betrayed the ideals of his father, who had struggled against the empire!

So, today Russia is also an empire! And simultaneously it is a Nazi state! (These concepts are almost synonyms for me!).

And it is at war with the Chechen Republic , because it does not wish to lose the former colony! And in general, as well as it is adherent to empires - it does not wish to lose even a span of “its” land up to tiny Kuriles!

Well, this greed, eventually, will ruin our imperial-Nazi state!

Vladimir Krapivinskiy , for Chechenpress, 19.04.05.

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