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Demands From A Group Of Public And Legal Organizations Of Tatarstan

posted by FerrasB on April, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

April, 25, 2005

The Repentance in the Day of Victory

Chechenpress received an application to Putin from a group of public and legal organizations of Tatarstan with the request to publish it. Generally we do not publish applications to the leaders of criminal Kremlin camarilla, but, as a token of respect for brotherly Tatar people, we make an exception this time. It is published without any alternations.



To the President of Russia

Putin V.V.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

The Victory over the powerful and artful enemy created spiritual and material preconditions for restoration and further development of the national economy of the USSR .

It was not a novelty for the people of the Soviet Union what happened during the Great Patriotic War (the Second World War). Before the war the genocide of our people was carried out as much according to the plan and in details, as it was possible: revolutions, wars, any kind of reprisals. Everything was led to the present events and the plans do not come to an end yet… Cyclicity and modifications of methods allow concealing the ultimate goal.

The Second World War was an opposition of two tyrants: Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler. After the war people realized clearly, what difficult way of restoration they would have to pass. Without a respite they followed the way of execution of this mission. The heroic Soviet people were in hands of the governors – they were the force, able to solve any problems of their well-being. But then the service to one leader, the "idol" was a suitable form of board for realization.

The 60 th anniversary of the Great Victory in the Second World War is coming now. Before this world event there was another one, also having world value - death of Papa John Paul II, which showed the irrepressible aspiration of people for the truth and validity, predetermined by the Most High.

John Paul II, a great humanist and theologian, has shown with his whole life, that the mankind can achieve the truth and validity. The pontific was around the whole World with this mission, he made accents there, where it was necessary. Acts of the pontific are a worthy example for those people, who are at the authority. Many centuries later he begged pardon of Moslems and the people of other faiths, who had suffered from Crusades and inquisition.

During the Second World War the immeasurable sufferings and irreplaceable human losses were suffered by Chechens, the Crimean Tatars, Ingushs, Karachaevians, Kalmyks , Kabardians and Balkarians, to Germans and Turks-Meshetians and peoples of the Baltic countries.

During protection of Leningrad and Stalingrad there was no case that a Chechen or an Ingush surrendered. They were the basic force during the heroic protection of the Brest fortress. And how many Heroes of the Soviet Union and laureates of other high military awards were among representatives of these deported people?! Only in Ukraine 73 Tatars became Heroes of the Soviet Union during operations, nevertheless, in 1953 the heads of the USSR planned to deport us, the Kazan Tatars, as well.

Dear President of Russia , Vladimir Vladimirovich! Everything, listed by us is only a part of history. It demands expiation. Therefore we think that you should repent before the people of the former USSR . Your repentance would be appreciated by the peoples of the former USSR , as well as John Paul's Repentance II before the world community. In process of approach of the holiday there is a discussion, what nation has brought the greater contribution to the victory over fascism. Such a form of the question is tendentious. The best answer to it is Vladimir Vysotsky's words, "There are no crosses on communal graves". Whatever one can say, there is a reason why high representatives of some peoples of the former USSR do not wish to arrive to the Poklonnaya Mountain on the 9 th of May, 2005 . It is necessary to recognize the history such, as it really was.

In the same sense the words of the poet explain inadmissibility of a play with religions. Therefore a political use of religion for the sake of giving the imaginary superiority of one religion above another one should not be admitted in the celebratory actions. In the past, during a cult of personality, cult constructions of all main religions were destroyed, but after the disintegration of the USSR , there are sufferings only for the destroyed churches and killed priests. Why there is no mention of mosques, synagogues and Catholic temples. Where is the equality of the nations and religions, on the basis of which the unity of a state should fasten!? There is one of the basic questions: how can the present position of Tatars be justified at these enormous and irreparable victims from our nation in the Second World War!?

Each Tatar at the frontage thought about the future of his nation. The long-awaited hopes appeared after the disintegration of the empire: the Tatar public life became better: national schools, medrese, children's establishments, mosques and cultural establishments, etc, were established. For the last years all achievements have began to be closed: they began to search for "extremists", "separatists", "terrorists", "vahhabits", etc. As usually, Moscow has headed this process. Thus the democracy in Russia has finished. Any peaceful political and religious actions are stopped, for this purpose all power structures, including the FSB, are involved.

So, brothers-twins Kashapovs opposed practically all military operations in any country. As a result brothers Kashapovs not only were exposed to physical threat of their life, but also to a full financial, economic exhaustion. Nafis Kashapov was compelled to begin actions of hunger-strike in Naberezhnye Chelny, Kazan and Moscow protesting against moral and psychological terror from the authorities of the RT, the Russian Federation and the FSB. By his hunger-strikes he says “No” to police actions of the authoritative state building a totalitarian regime. Having disagreed with this arbitrariness, N. Kashapov arranges a picket-hunger-strike opposite to the building of the FSB of the Russian Federation in Moscow (the 21 st of March, the 5 th , 6 th of April 2005). He was arrested three times for it. The last decision of the world judges of the judicial site № 370 of the Tver region of Moscow concerning Kashapov Nafis Rafailovich says, that N. Kashapov is accused of that he carried out the action of the picket spent in the Lubyanka Square at the historical place of the Solovetskiy Stone. For the sake of true we are compelled to remind, that this historical place has been defiled for a long time with blood of a huge quantity freedom-loving people, who struggled for the truth, education and a worthy life and were killed in tortures!

Our wishes are that in the future the life would be without a shock, reprisals and dictatorships. And the Most High will help us!

These dangerous actions have compelled N. Kashapov to appeal to the ambassador of the USA with the request for a political asylum.

The Chairman of the Shura of Aksakals (The Council of Elders)

Gabdelbaryi Zinnurov

The Chairman of the Association "Tatar teachers"

Farit Rahimov

The Chairman of the Milli Shura (The National Council)

Azat Agliulin

The Chairman of the Society "Idel - Urals"

Nafis Gafiev

The Chairman NCO TSC

Rafis Kashapov

The adress: 423823, Russia , Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny, 18/06-51.

Phone: 8-902-718-38-36, 8-917-282-10-90, (8552) 34-13-74, 34-71-10

Kas - ,

Chechenpress , the Department of letters, 24.04.05.

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