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Freedom and Fear

TheOtherRussia: Journalism Watchdogs Decry Attempted Seizures At The New Times

posted by eagle on April, 2010 as Freedom and Fear

Journalism Watchdogs Decry Attempted Seizures at the New Times

Back in February, the Russian weekly New Times published a story about an elite detachment of the Russian Interior Ministry’s OMON security forces that allegedly forces migrant workers to work without pay, effectively as slaves. The ministry was incensed and denied the accusations, blaming the paper for shoddy journalism. The paper stood by the article, which was based on the testimony by a former OMON officer from the detachment in question.

On April 5, the Tverskoy Court in Moscow sanctioned a search and seizure of the New Times editorial office in connection with police accusations of libel. The police attempted to carry out the seizure this past Wednesday, but Editor-in-Chief Yevgeniya Albats refused to hand over any documents, maintaining that the seizure is illegal while the newspaper awaits a hearing to contest the decision in the Moscow City Court.

In response to the failed ...

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Window On Eurasia: ‘Criminalization Of Extremism’ Threatens Basic Rights Of Russians, Expert Says

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear


Window on Eurasia: ‘Criminalization of Extremism’ Threatens Basic Rights of Russians, Expert Says

Paul Goble

Vienna, April 14 – Just as the Soviet authorities "criminalized” any systemic criticism, so too the post-Soviet Russian powers that be are moving in the same direction through laws and decrees that "criminalize” extremism without defining the limits of that all too elastic term, according to a Russian human rights expert.
In a presentation at the Sakharov Center yesterday, Yevgeny Ikhlov, the secretary of the Experts Council "For Human Rights,” traced the way in which Soviet leaders limited freedom of speech by criminalizing criticism of various kinds and argued that the post-Soviet Russian leaders have been following the same path (
Although the Soviet leadership harshly punished its ideological opponents from the beginning, Ikhlov said, it "criminalized” any systemic criticism only in the 1960s as a way of providing "a legal foundation” for totalitarianism in the ...

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kc: Russian News Agency Rosbalt Is Lying

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear

Russian news agency Rosbalt is lying

Publication time: Today at 12:06 Emirate time 

The Russian news agency Rosbalt, known for its close relationship with the KGB, and a number of other Russian media outlets after it reported on Friday that Finnish police reportedly opened a criminal case against a well-known journalist and social activist of Finland, Mikael Storsjo, whom Russian terrorist gang of the FSB proclaimed Kavkaz Center's sponsor.


However, this information is false all the way through and does not represent the facts.


Rosbalt's report claimed that a certain head of the anti-fascist committee of Finland, Johan Bikmon, told the news agency that the criminal case were instituted under articles "Aggravated threats, insults" and "Participation in the activities of terrorist groups".


The investigation has reportedly already begun on the application of "pastor" Juhi Malori and the former head of one of the fire departments of Finland and the former head of the Islamic Party ...

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posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear



Repression and violence continues in the Russian Federation where the most basic human rights are suspended.


Ruslan Keshev, Alberd Bor and Ibrahim Yaganov were hospitalized by beating.Murat Berzegov’s house was attacked with grenade, had a gun put to his head.Zamir Shukhov had a narrow escape from an assassination attempt and left his country.


The evil powers that murdered Anna Politkovskaya and Natalya Estemirova shot Aslan Zhukov dead lately.


Raise Your Voice to arouse world public opinion, say ‘stop’ to executions in the Motherland.


Say ‘Stop ‘and sign this at

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Window On Eurasia: Russia Now Caught In ‘Trap of Partial Freedom,’ Moscow Analyst Says

posted by eagle on March, 2010 as Freedom and Fear


Window on Eurasia: Russia Now Caught in ‘Trap of Partial Freedom,’ Moscow Analyst Says

Paul Goble

Vienna, March 10 – "The level of political unfreedom in contemporary Russia is incomparably less than in the USSR,” a Moscow analyst says, but "the partial freedom” its authoritarian government does allow represents "a trap” out of which the country may find it difficult to escape.
In an online posting yesterday, Vladimir Gelman acknowledges that "in comparison with the USSR when no one could speak about political and civil freedoms, the situation in Russia is principally different,” but he points out that "the repressive character” of the regime does not require that ( 
Like all other authoritarian regimes, he continues, the current Russian powers that be use "other instruments to guarantee the loyalty of their subjects, above all, patronage and the distribution of rents” and thus apply other means "only in exceptional cases when direct ...

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