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Freedom and Fear

The Chechen Times: “Worries” On Duty

posted by FerrasB on April, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

“Worries” on duty

Russia is considered a test case of President George W. Bush’s vow to make democracy central to Washington’s relations. Rights activists complain Washington has been too tolerant of Russia’s backsliding on democracy, for fear of losing Putin’s cooperation on Bush’s top priority, the war on terrorism. Although Condoleezza Rice made some of the sharpest U.S. criticism to date of the Kremlin’s record on democracy at the start of a visit to Moscow.

Russian President Putin’s efforts to amass power and control television broadcasts are «very worrying» trends that have undermined Russian democracy, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Tuesday. Rice said she saw some bright signs, including nascent efforts to form political parties to vie for the presidency when Putin’s term runs out in three years, and said she understood that it was a «very complicated task» to govern Russia. But «there is no doubt that when we talk ...
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PRIMA-News: "Defense" Carries Out First Strike Campaign In Moscow

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

15.4.2005 13:17 MSK
"Defense" carries out first strike campaign in Moscow
RUSSIA, Moscow. On April 14th, participants of the opposition youth movement "Defense" began placing posters bearing a portrait of Vladimir Putin and the inscription "Enough of him", in the Moscow metro and the capital’s Institute of Higher Education. Other posters had the slogans "Enough of the degradation in military enlistment!" and "Enough police cruelty!”.

As Ilya Yashin , one of the coordinators of the action, reported to a correspondent of PRIMA-News, beginning next week "Defense" will begin its activities in ten Russian regions, as well as Moscow.

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2005-04-14-Rus-18]

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Vladimir Krapivinskiy For Chechenpress: New Methods Of Protection Of The Empire!

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

April, 19, 2005

New methods of protection of the empire!

I should express my opinion about the recently found "know-how" - in apologetics of the state of an imperial type! I found it not somewhere, but in almost the only democratic newspaper remained in Russia , "The New newspaper", in Julia Latynina's sketch "It is a failure".

In comparison with her even Chubays, with his idea of "liberal empire", is a simple boy in shorts! In fact, even he has not guessed to oppose an empire to a Nazi state (with the purpose to prove its advantage!)!

But we shall read Latynina's opus. "An empire, - she writes, - is a state, where barbarians (vestgots, sunns or Chechens) can achieve the highest posts up to imperial ones ". (The speech is precisely about Georgian Stalin - the governor of the Soviet empire, and German Ekaterina II – Russian empress).

Then Julia writes: " Russia was ...
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PRIMA-News: Oborona Movement Sets Up Sections In Ten Russian Regions

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

20.4.2005 19:45 MSK
Oborona movement sets up sections in ten Russian regions
RUSSIA, Moscow. On 19 April, Oborona (Defence) youth movement began to operate in ten Russian regions in addition to Moscow. The movement is setting up local activists’ action groups.

The statement of Oborona movement lists cities where sections are being set up and names of movement’s regional coordinators: Vladimir Kosarev in Volgograd, Dmitry Volov in Mourmansk, Vyacheslav Loukin in Nizhny Novgorod, Yury Bobrov in Perm, Pavel Kravtsov in Samara, Alexander Shourshev in Saint Petersburg, Roman Ladozhin in Smolensk, Stanislav Smakotin in Tomsk, Alexander Braghin in Uliyanovsk, Anatoly Kouznetsov in Chelyabinsk.

In conversation with PRIMA-News correspondent, Iliya Yashin, a coordinator of Oborona movement, noted the importance of the local sections and their work in the streets and in higher education institutions which will allow to organise a nation-wide mass youth protest movement. Yashin said that the newly established sections have been given an ...
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Demands From A Group Of Public And Legal Organizations Of Tatarstan

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

April, 25, 2005

The Repentance in the Day of Victory

Chechenpress received an application to Putin from a group of public and legal organizations of Tatarstan with the request to publish it. Generally we do not publish applications to the leaders of criminal Kremlin camarilla, but, as a token of respect for brotherly Tatar people, we make an exception this time. It is published without any alternations.



To the President of Russia

Putin V.V.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

The Victory over the powerful and artful enemy created spiritual and material preconditions for restoration and further development of the national economy of the USSR .

It was not a novelty for the people of the Soviet Union what happened during the Great Patriotic War (the Second World War). Before the war the genocide of our people was carried out as much according to the plan and in details, as it was possible: revolutions, wars, any kind of reprisals. Everything ...
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