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Freedom and Fear

Itar-Tass: Another Victim Killed In Accident In Gulf Of Finland Found

posted by FerrasB on June, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

Another victim killed in accident in Gulf of Finland found

20.06.2005, 15.25

ST.PETERSBURG, June 20 (Itar-Tass) -- The personnel of the Petrodvorets Museum have found a body of a man washed ashore from the Gulf of Finland. The man is presumably one of the group of cadets of the St. Petersburg Naval Academy who perished on June 8 when their boat capsized in the sea. No official identification of the body has been made yet.

A six-oar rowing boat with eight men on board capsized in the mouth of the Neva River on June 8. Two men were rescued, one was found dead on the following day after the accident, three more bodies were found last weekend and identified. The fate of two men from board the ill- fated boat was unknown yet.

The accident occurred during a rowing drill for cadets of the St. Petersburg Naval Academy held in the Gulf of Finland.

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nterfax: Oborona Youth Movement Leader Comes Under Tomato Attack

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Jun 20 2005 1:56PM
Oborona youth movement leader comes under tomato attack

MOSCOW. June 20 (Interfax) - About 20 members of the Oborona youth movement held a 15-minute anti-Putin rally in Moscow on Monday.

"The epoch of this president will be over in 1,000 days. We do not need his successor: we need a democratically elected president," said Ilya Yashin, leader of Oborona and the Yabloko youth organization.

A man standing nearby started throwing tomatoes at Yashin as soon as he had uttered these words. The man was detained, a police source told Interfax.

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Moscow Times: Journalist Jailed Over Unpublished Article

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Journalist Jailed Over Unpublished Article

Friday, June 24, 2005
By Carl Schreck and Antonio Lupher
Special to The Moscow Times

For MT

Vyacheslav Volodin

A journalist has been sentenced to seven months in prison on charges of slandering a Saratov official in an article that was never published.

Eduard Abrosimov, a onetime adviser to former Saratov Governor Dmitry Ayatskov, was also found guilty of slandering State Duma Deputy Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, a deputy chairman of the United Russia party, in a separate article, a spokeswoman for the Saratov region prosecutor's office said Thursday.

The charge over the unpublished article was filed during an investigation into the Volodin slander case, and astounded media rights activists denounced the conviction as a leap back to the Middle Ages.

The case stemmed from an article that speculated about which politicians might be homosexual and, citing Internet rumors, mentioned Volodin's name. The article, which was written under the pseudonym Andrei Zabelin, was published ...
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RIA Novosti: Newly-Opened Kazan Mosque is Europe's Largest

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Newly-opened Kazan mosque is Europe's largest

24/06/2005 22:14 Kazan, June 24 (RIA Novosti, Alexander Gavrilenko) - A replica of a mosque destroyed by Ivan the Terrible's army in 1552 has opened today in the city's kremlin, in the Russian republic of Tatarstan.

The unveiling of the Kul Sharif mosque is seen by many as an event of international significance. More than 5,000 guests from across Russia and forty foreign countries have converged on Kazan to celebrate the occasion. Officials from the United Nations and the Council of Europe are taking part in the celebrations alongside prominent Islamic clerics and theologians.

The Kul Sharif mosque is Europe's largest. The structure occupies 19,000 square meters. Its central dome rises 39 meters above the ground and each of its four minarets is 57 meters tall.

President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiyev said at the ribbon-cutting ceremony that Kul Sharif was more than just a mosque.

"This is a new ...
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Interfax: Russian Officials Charged After Convicts Injured Themselves

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Jul 1 2005 6:27PM
Russian officials charged after convicts injured themselves

MOSCOW. July 1 (Interfax) - Two senior Russian prison officials were charged with exceeding their powers after several hundred convicts in their prison inflicted bodily harm on themselves this week in protest against their imprisonment conditions, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office said on Friday.

The office said the officials were Vladislav Dvoyenosov, deputy head of the prison, located in the Kursk region town of Lgov, and Viktor Reutov, "a senior inspector of a department."

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