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Freedom and Fear

Moscow News: Russian Journalist Deported As Enemy Of Uzbekistan

posted by FerrasB on August, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

Russian Journalist Deported as Enemy of Uzbekistan
By Nelli Monastyrskaya The Moscow News
The Uzbek ruling authorities forbid the export of information
26.08.05 Friday
Following a recent anti-presidential uprising, Uzbekistan has become a closed, insulated republic. No information about what is going on there is allowed out of the country. Nor are Russian or other foreign journalists, who try to see the situation with their own eyes, allowed into the country. According to the Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations, from May 13 until July 2005 more than 50 reporters were denied visas or accreditation by the Uzbek Foreign Ministry. A case in point showing that the Uzbek ruling authorities mean business is the deportation of Igor Rotar, a Russian journalist working for the Forum 18 Norwegian organization.

The Russian media linked your detention and subsequent deportation with journalistic investigations into the violation of religious minority rights in Central Asia. Could this have been the ...
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Caucasian Knot: Hunt For Journalists In Today's Russia

posted by FerrasB on July, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

Hunt for journalists in today's Russia

As reported by the New-York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), 12 journalists have been killed in Russia for the last five years, five of them covered developments in the North Caucasus. They are Iskandar Khatloni, a Radio Liberty reporter, Natalya Skryl, a reporter for Nashe Vremya, Rostov-on-Don, Adam Tepsurgayev, a Reuters reporter in Chechnya, Paul Klebnikov, Russian Forbes editor, and Magomedzagid Varisov, a journalist from the Novoye Delo weekly, Makhachkala. They all were killed in contract-style murders, CPJ members told a press conference "Hunt for Journalists in Today's Russia" at the Independent Press Center, Moscow, on 8 July.

No one has been brought to justice in any of the cases. "We are calling on President Putin to ensure that the Prosecutor General's Office makes greater progress in solving these brutal murders," Prima New Agency quoted CPJ Executive Director Ann Cooper. These murders have sown fear and ...
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Itar-Tass: Another Victim Killed In Accident In Gulf Of Finland Found

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Another victim killed in accident in Gulf of Finland found

20.06.2005, 15.25

ST.PETERSBURG, June 20 (Itar-Tass) -- The personnel of the Petrodvorets Museum have found a body of a man washed ashore from the Gulf of Finland. The man is presumably one of the group of cadets of the St. Petersburg Naval Academy who perished on June 8 when their boat capsized in the sea. No official identification of the body has been made yet.

A six-oar rowing boat with eight men on board capsized in the mouth of the Neva River on June 8. Two men were rescued, one was found dead on the following day after the accident, three more bodies were found last weekend and identified. The fate of two men from board the ill- fated boat was unknown yet.

The accident occurred during a rowing drill for cadets of the St. Petersburg Naval Academy held in the Gulf of Finland.

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PRIMA - News: Uzbek Oppositionists And Radio Freedom Correspondent Detained...

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

28.6.2005 12:43 MSK
Uzbek oppositionists and Radio Freedom correspondent detained in Andizhan
RUSSIA, Moscow. Several opposition activists and Radio Svoboda (Freedom)-Free Europe correspondent Gafuryan Yuldashev were detained in the Uzbek city of Andizhan, according to Russian radio service, Radio Svoboda. Yuldashev arrived in Andizhan on June 26th to interview representatives of the opposition, including members of the Democratic Party "Erk".

The police detained the journalist and the oppositionists in the cafe where they were meeting and delivered them to the police department. All the detained were released after four hours of questioning. Documents and diskettes were taken from Yuldashev.

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA - News Agency [2005-06-27-Uzbek-25]

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posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

27 June 2005
Leaders of the Islamic world congregated on 24 June in Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan, to attend the official inauguration of the Qol Sharif Mosque, Russia's largest. The ceremony is part of festivities to mark the 1,000th anniversary of the city's founding.

Symbolically, it was in Arabic -- the universal language of Islam -- that Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the Turkish general-secretary of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), delivered the inaugural speech at the foot of the Qol Sharif mosque.

"In the name of Allah the merciful," Ihsanoglu said. "We address our prayers to Allah, his prophets and all those who believe in him. May his peace and his blessing be on you."

Religious and political leaders from the entire Islamic world were in attendance. Delegates from Central Asia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and even Belarus, joined thousands of believers ...
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