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Freedom and Fear

PRIMA-News: Did The Authorities Drown Out Protests

posted by FerrasB on September, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

13.9.2005 14:07 MSK
Did the authorities drown out protests
RUSSIA, Moscow. On 12 September a meeting took place on Pushkin Square in Moscow to show solidarity with Mikhail Khodorkovski and Platon Lebedev. The meeting took place in the build up to the appeal against the sentence given by the Meshchansk court against Lebedev and Khodorkovski (nine years each in prison) which will be heard on 14 September.

The meeting was designed to draw the attention of the authorities and the public to the issue of constitutional rights and freedoms in Russia, including the right to a fair and impartial trial; to protest against the use of law enforcement agencies and legal bodies for political aims, and also against the repression of politicians by the authorities and the infringement of their civil rights and freedoms; and to demand the release of the political prisoners Mikhail Khodorkovski and Platon Lebedev.

Above the crowd at the meeting ...
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KC: Attention! Kavkaz Center Will Resume Its Operation On August 3 !!!!

posted by FerrasB on August, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

Attention! Kavkaz Center will resume its operation on August 3 !!!!

Administration of Kavkaz Center news and information agency announces that the editorial staff will resume its work in full this coming Wednesday August 3, 2005.

Kavkaz Center

2005-07-31 20:11:34

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Interfax: Babitsky's Interview With Basayev Breaches Law - Ministry

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Aug 3 2005 2:34PM
Babitsky's interview with Basayev breaches law - ministry

MOSCOW. Aug 3 (Interfax) - Journalist Andrei Babitsky violated both Russian legislation and international law when he interviewed Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman told Interfax on Wednesday.

"Article 20 of the International Pact on Civil and Political Rights says that instigating terrorism is inadmissible," the spokesman said.

Under Russian legislation, Babitsky, who is a Radio Liberty journalist, requires Foreign Ministry accreditation to work as a journalist in Russia, he said.

"If a person plans to interview anybody in the zone of the counter- terrorism operation, he needs accreditation from the Russian Interior Ministry. This agency issues this ID," the spokesman said. "For the whole set of rules for trips to the zone of the counter-terrorism operation, visit the Interior Ministry's website," he said.

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Interfax: U.S. Not Planning Restrictions On Russian Journalists - Embassy

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Aug 3 2005 12:08PM
U.S. not planning restrictions on Russian journalists - embassy

MOSCOW. Aug 3 (Interfax) - The U.S. government is not planning to take restrictive measures against Russian journalists in response to the Russian Foreign Ministry's decision not to extend the accreditation of journalists from the U.S. TV channel ABC, which recently broadcast an interview with prominent Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev, the U.S. Embassy in Russia told Interfax on Wednesday.

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday that ABC is not welcome to contact any Russian government organization or agency, and that it would not extend ABC journalists' accreditation in Russia upon its expiration.

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AFP: Putin Faces “Heroes’ Revolution” Over Social Reforms

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Putin in front of war heroes column at a parade / Photo from

Putin in front of war heroes column at a parade / Photo from

Putin Faces “Heroes’ Revolution” over Social Reforms

Created: 25.07.2005 16:35 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 16:35 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1122294930)); </SCRIPT>

AFPThree hungry men, one missing his lower legs, might not look dangerous, but these are no ordinary men and they would like to bring down Russian President Vladimir Putin’s government.

After oligarchs, Communists, liberals and pensioners, these three hunger strikers represent Putin’s latest and perhaps least likely opponents: decorated “Heroes” of Russia or the Soviet Union who have resorted to a hunger strike.

Like many other groups, the “Heroes” are infuriated at Putin’s attempt to modernize social benefits by scrapping Soviet-era perks such as the right to free transport and medicine in exchange for limited sums of money that can be spent however the recipient chooses.

So three weeks ago ...
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