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Freedom and Fear

erald Sun: Chess Champ Leads Anti-Putin Protest

posted by FerrasB on October, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

Chess champ leads anti-Putin protest
From correspondents in Moscow

FORMER world chess champion Garry Kasparov yesterday accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of destroying democratic freedoms at a 500 strong rally against political repression.

"Today in Russia Putin has re-established the most horrible aspects of our past," Kasparov told the protestors gathered at the Stone of Solovki, the memorial to the victims of political repression, in Lubyanka square.

"The Government is conducting a policy aiming to destroy all democratic freedoms," Kasparov said on the day of remembrance for political prisoners of the Soviet era.

The protestors held up posters of current allegedly political prisoners including Yukos oil founder Mikhail Khodorkovsky, serving eight years jail in Siberia for "tax evasion" in a trial widely seen as politically motivated.

Europe's democracy and human rights watchdog, the Council of Europe said in June that Mr Putin's parliamentary and electoral reforms would undermine democracy in Russia while local activists described them ...
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adygeanatpress: Nalchik Inhabitants Beat Moslem Women Wearing Hijabs

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Nalchik inhabitants beat Moslem women wearing hijabs

Moslem women, wearing hijab (kerchiefs), are thrashed by usual inhabitants of Nalchik right in the streets. Relatives of lost or injured during the last events and even witnesses of those events with shouts "It was all because of you!" snatched on women with fists. In that connection Moslem women were compelled not to go out in the city streets and if they had the opportunity - to leave the restless region.

At the same time prosecutions from both militias, and local residents exclusively the Moslems observing the religion norms were exposed with. They were those women who wear according to Sheriyat, and the men visiting mosques.

Besides according to the local residents’ stories, the bodies of the killed during the events on October, 13th, had not been yet returned to their relatives. "They stripped the bodies naked, dump in the refrigerator, do not let ...
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MMN: Pressure On Russian Muslims As Putin Seeks Suitable Heir

posted by FerrasB on September, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

Pressure on Russian Muslims as Putin seeks suitable heir
by M A Shaikh
(Friday September 09 2005)

" is not only Putin and his officials who are alarmed at “the rise of Russian Muslims,” as one newspaper report put it. Russian Orthodox Church leaders and ultranationalists are alarmed about the increasing numbers of Muslims in the Russian Federation, the conversion to Islam by non-Muslims, and the huge increase in the number of mosques since 1991. In the entire Soviet Union there were only 500 mosques, but now there are 5,000 in Russia alone."

Because president Vladimir Putin cannot be elected for a third term unless the Russian constitution is amended, he and Kremlin officials are preoccupied with the parliamentary elections in 2007 and with ensuring the election of an approved successor as president in 2008. His main strategy for achieving the desired result is to pose as the man best able to suppress the ...
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CAUCASIAN KNOT: Newspaper Loses Retrial Choose another message board

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear


Newspaper loses retrial

The Federal Court of Arbitration for the Moscow District has confirmed the lawfulness of the warning of the Federal Service for Supervision over the Observation of Legislation in Mass Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage with regard to Kommersant newspaper over the publication of an interview with ex-leader of Chechen separatists Rights defenders stripped of fundsAslan Maskhadov, says RIA Novosti. The court thus rejected the appeal of the Kommersant Publishing House.

The article in question was published on 8 February this year. In the opinion of experts from the Federal Service, the interview contained information that substantiated and justified extremist activities. In this light, the agencies issued a warning to the newspaper. However, Kommersant believed there was no accurate definition what exact information could be a justification of extremist activities.

The newspaper's management applied to court, but their arguments were recognised unconvincing and the capital's court of ...
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PRIMА-News: Demand For Putin’s Resignation Is Considered Extremism

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

13.9.2005 14:19 MSK
Demand for Putin’s resignation is considered extremism
Roman Dobrokhotov
Roman Dobrokhotov
RUSSIA, Moscow. The prefecture of the central region of Moscow refused to allow the movement "We" to conduct a picket on September 11th demanding the resignation of Vladimir Putin. The refusal was issued because the call for the resignation of Putin is allegedly extremist.

On September 11th, activists of "We", members of the Ukrainian movement "Time", the Kirghiz movement "Birge!", Kazakhstan’s "Kakhara", Azerbaijan’s "Yokha" and the Belorussian movement "Mladodemokraty" walked to the monument to the heroes of Plevny in Ilinskiy Square with flags and without transparencies. The mouths of the youth movement participants were glued as a sign of protest against media censorship. The leader of "We", Roman Dobrokhotov, was detained.

Dobrokhotov is currently being held in the police department.

This is not the first time city authorities have, under different pretexts, prevented the activists of “We” from conducting demonstrations, according to a ...
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