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Freedom and Fear

Window On Eurasia: St. Petersburg Officials Try To Block Distribution Of Book Critical Of Putin

posted by eagle on June, 2010 as Freedom and Fear


Window on Eurasia: St. Petersburg Officials Try to Block Distribution of Book Critical of Putin

Paul Goble

Vienna, June 16 – Militia officers in Russia’s northern capital reportedly have seized part of a shipment of copies of a new book by Boris Nemtsov and Vladimir Milov, apparently outraged by its sweeping indcitment of Vladimir Putin's rule and possibly setting the stage for similar actions elsewhere around the Russian Federation.
Today, Boris Sharov, a St. Petersburg activist of Yabloko, told that the delivery of 100,000 copies of "Putin, Results, Ten Years” had been delayed or possibly blocked for unspecified reasons by the militia, an action described as "the detention of the print run” of the Nemtsov and Milov book ( 
This came less than 24 hours after the two opposition figures released this 48-page report on the consequences for Russia of Putin’s ten years in power. The authors said that ...

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French Watchdog Names 40 “Predators Of The Press”

posted by eagle on May, 2010 as Freedom and Fear

French Watchdog Names 40 "Predators of the Press”

3, May, 2010

A new release for the French watchdog organization "Reporters Without Borders” quoted the worst predators of press freedom, which listed  Hu Jintau of China, Ahmadinejad of Iran and Russia's Putin, They were described describe as "dangerous, violent and above the law”.


The list included beside politicians, the religious leaders and militias to mark World Press Freedom Day.


The description stated, "They are powerful, dangerous, violent and above the law”, the Paris-based watchdog RSF said. "These predators of press freedom have the power to censor, imprison, kidnap, torture and, in the worst cases, murder journalists".


Seventeen presidents and several heads of government are on the list, including China's Hu Jintao, Iran's Mahmud Ahmadinejad, Rwanda's Paul Kagame, Cuba's Raoul Castro and Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.


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RFE/RL: President Of Karachayevo-Cherkessia Dismisses Government

posted by eagle on April, 2010 as Freedom and Fear

President Of Karachayevo-Cherkessia Dismisses Government

The acting prime minister of Karachayevo-Cherkessia, Muradin Kemov

April 29, 2010
Boris Ebzeyev dismissed the Karachayevo-Cherkessia Republic government on April 28 in line with a directive issued last week by North Caucasus Federal District head Aleksandr Khloponin.

Meeting in Cherkessk with Ebzeyev and other republican leaders on April 21, Khloponin stressed the need to galvanize the republic's economy and reduce unemployment. In a tacit acknowledgement of the animosity between the majority Karachais and the Cherkess (who account for just 11 percent of the total population), Khloponin gave Ebzeyev until May 1 to name a Cherkess prime minister. Shortly after his appointment as president in September 2008, Ebzeyev had named a Greek, Vladimir Kayshev, to head the new cabinet.

Ebzeyev yesterday duly named Deputy Prime Minister Muradin Kemov, a Cherkess, as acting prime minister. Ebzeyev said there would be no sweeping changes in the new cabinet and assessed the performance of the outgoing government as ...

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TheOtherRussia: Freedom House: Russian Media Environment ‘Repressive And Dangerous’

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear

Freedom House: Russian Media Environment ‘Repressive and Dangerous’

The Washington-based non-governmental organization Freedom House released its annual report on global press freedom on Thursday, complete with a particularly scathing analysis of the situation in Russia. Out of 196 countries, Russia took 175th place on a ranking of global press freedom, just beating out Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, and China, and trailing slightly behind Congo and Yemen. Out of the report’s three basic categories – free, partially free, and not free – Russia was declared to be decidedly "not free.”

The Freedom House report maintains that press freedom declined in 2009 all over the world, including in Western Europe. That said, "Russia remained among the world’s more repressive and most dangerous media environments,” and figures among countries where the political opposition, non-governmental organizations, and independent media outlets come under the greatest deal of censorship and pressure.

Experts at the organization label Russia as ...

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Window On Eurasia: Russian Judges, Often Subject To Attack, Seek To Defend Themselves By Handing Down Lighter Sentences, Expert Says

posted by eagle on as Freedom and Fear


Window on Eurasia: Russian Judges, Often Subject to Attack, Seek to Defend Themselves by Handing Down Lighter Sentences, Expert Says

Paul Goble

Vienna, April 27 – The murder of Moscow Judge Eduard Chuvashov two weeks ago is only the tip of the iceberg of a much bigger problem, a St. Petersburg scholar says, one that threatens not only the lives of judges and their families but even the possibility of justice in the Russian Federation.
That is because, Denis Primakov, a researcher at the Institute of Problems of Law at the European University in the northern capital, says, judges routinely give out "soft” or suspended sentences because they cannot count on the legal system to protect them from angry criminals if they do otherwise (
And that in turn, he continues, only adds to public cynicism about the judicial system, making the introduction of a law-based state that much more difficult. ...

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