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Freedom and Fear

PRIMA-News: Threats To Victor Shenderovich

posted by FerrasB on October, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

25.10.2005 14:01 MSK
Threats to Victor Shenderovich
Victor Shenderovich
Victor Shenderovich
RUSSIA, Moscow. Journalist Victor Shenderovich, who advanced his candidacy for parliamentary elections for the 201st Moscow region, has been threatened by president Putin’s administration.

Shenderovich reports in a special statement that on October 21st he met Aleksandr Levin, the producer of the program "Practical Politics" (on NTV, headed by Gleb Pavlovsky) at Levin’s initiative. Levin communicated to him the bewilderment of unnamed colleagues in the president's administration at Shenderovich’s candidacy for state deputy.

Shenderovich writes in his statement:
" Levin explained in more detail:
- The unnamed colleagues of the presidential administration suffered and were ready to suffer me further as journalist, but they consider politics "their field", to which I “categorically cannot enter without their permission";
- That if I decided to go into politics, then I must enter into contact with these people and begin "to negotiate as to how everything will be done ";
- That ...
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Moscow News: Russian Regulations Scaring Away Foreign Investors

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Evgeny Yasin / Photo from

Evgeny Yasin / Photo from
Russian Regulations Scaring Away Foreign Investors

Created: 27.10.2005 15:01 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 18:49 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1130424588)); </SCRIPT> , 9 hours 52 minutes ago

The Moscow News

Last week, hundreds of executives of global corporations and financial organizations active on the Russian market came to Moscow to attend two prestigious events — a visiting session of the World Economic Forum and the annual meeting of the Consultative Council for Foreign Investment (CCFI), chaired by Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov. One of those who attended the CCFI meeting on the Russian side was well-known economist Yevgeny Yasin. He spoke to MN.

Foreign investors wanted the representatives of the Russian government to answer certain questions. What were those questions?

They concerned mostly the law governing foreign investors’ access to strategic enterprises. The foreign partners wanted to be clear on whether they could gain access to any of them, ...
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Moscow Times: Starikov, A Leading Liberal, Is Beaten

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Starikov, a Leading Liberal, Is Beaten

Monday, October 31, 2005
By Stephen Boykewich
Staff Writer

Ivan Starikov

A series of attacks on opposition politicians — including the beating of Union of Right Forces member Ivan Starikov on Friday — brought a warning from Communist Party chief Gennady Zyuganov over the weekend that he would form an armed militia if the attacks continued.

Two unknown assailants attacked Starikov, who headed the short-lived State Duma campaign of jailed Yukos founder Mikhail Khodorkovsky, as he walked to his house on Ulitsa Udaltsova in southwestern Moscow sometime between midnight and 1 a.m. Friday.

Starikov, who was returning from hockey practice, said he was struck from behind and fell to the ground. He was then kicked repeatedly by two assailants, whom he described as young men in black knit caps.

He noted that he had been holding his car keys, wallet and a mobile phone during the attack, but that none was ...
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Moscow Times: FSB Arrests 3 Space Researchers

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

FSB Arrests 3 Space Researchers

Monday, October 31, 2005
By Carl Schreck
Staff Writer

Alexei Sazonov / AP

Liberal activists protesting the prosecution of Igor Sutaygin and other researchers at FSB headquarters Saturday.

The Federal Security Service has arrested three representatives of a leading rocket and space research center on charges of illegally selling weapons technology to China and misappropriating funds.

Igor Reshetin, the head of TsNIIMash-Export of the Central Research Institute for Machine Building, was arrested Wednesday along with colleagues Sergei Tverdokhlebov and Alexander Rozhkin after an almost two-year investigation into a contract with the same Chinese company that figured in the case of Valentin Danilov, a physicist who was convicted of selling classified information on space technology to China, Reshetin's lawyer Anatoly Yablokov said Friday.

Reshetin has been charged with illegally exporting space technology that can be used to deliver weapons of mass destruction and could face up to seven years in prison if convicted, ...
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tar-Tass: Over 1,000 Commemorate Political Repression vVctims In Moscow

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Over 1,000 commemorate political repression victims in Moscow
30.10.2005, 17.56

MOSCOW, October 30 (Itar-Tass) -- More than 1,000 people attended a remembrance ceremony for political repression victims on Lubyanka Square in downtown Moscow on Sunday.

The ceremony started with a minute of silence.

“This day connects us to the national history – no less than three generations experienced terror, we bow to the memory of millions,” Yabloko party leader Grigory Yavlinsky said.

Candles were lit and flowers were laid to the Solovki stone, which was brought to Moscow 15 years ago from the Solovki prison camp by the initiative of the Moscow Memorial society. The Moscow City Council ordered to install the stone on Lubyanka Square to commemorate GULAG prisoners.


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