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Freedom and Fear

Anthony Halpin/KC: «I found myself confused»

posted by FerrasB on December, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

«I found myself confused»
Letter to KC editorial
I just wanted to let you know how very informative and interesting your website is. Before visiting your site I knew only 'scraps' of information about the Chechyan struggle, and having spent a considerable time reading your articles and related material, I am truly shocked.
I am shocked at the scale of 'disappearances', fatalities ... and most of all, the West's casual attitude towards it. In the case some countries I can see greed as being a motivating factor for this silence, but in the case of Ireland - where I am from - I found myself confused.
It eventually dawned on me. Yes, economics, but more is the pathetic need which our government has not just to be liked by the World, but loved! That is my best guess. I visited Russia in 2001 and was practically beaten up by a trolleybus conductor for nothing.
My ...
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Adygeanatpress: Only 10 % Of Russians Consider Work Of Militia Well & Perfect

posted by FerrasB on November, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

Only 10 % of Russians consider work of militia "well” and "perfect" - interrogation
Only 10 percent of Russians consider the work of Russian militia "well” and "perfect". At the same time, 33 percent of the interrogation’s participants recognize it "satisfactory", 38 percent - "bad" or "very bad". That data was published by "Public opinion" Fund on the basis of results of the interrogation led on November, 5-6th in 44 Russian regions.

At the same time comparison with the data of three-year prescription testifies that Russians began concerning to militia a little bit more indulgently. The part of marks "bad" and "very bad" had noticeably decreased (in 2002 such opinion was expressed by 47 percent of interrogated), and simultaneously with 7 up to 20 percent the number of those who could not make certain verdict about work of militia increased.

Analyzing the reasons which prevent militia to execute its duties well, the ...
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posted by FerrasB on October, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

Assembly of Protection of Sovereignty of Chechen Republic of Ichkeria calls the United Nations to recognize independence of the Chechen Republic
02.10.2005 - 00:00:41

´´We ask the United Nations to create Special Investigatory Committee for investigation of war crimes of Russia in the Chechen Republic and on Caucasus...´´

In connection with resolution of SB the United Nations about inadmissibility of confrontations, and instigations to terrorism, the Assembly of Protection of the Sovereignty of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria calls the United Nations to recognize aggression of Russia against the Chechen State as the display of terrorism on the state level.

APS of CHRI calls the United Nations Organization to recognize struggle of the Chechen people asserting the independence, restored as will of Chechen people, with struggle against the international terrorism.

War against the Chechen State, unleashed by revanchist forces of Russia is a crime against humanity, and demonstrative display practice of the international terrorism, directed ...
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Agency Caucasus: Assembly Of Protection Of Sovereignty Of Chechen Republic...

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Assembly of Protection of Sovereignty of Chechen Republic of Ichkeria calls the United Nations to recognize independence of the Chechen Republic
02.10.2005 - 00:00:41

´´We ask the United Nations to create Special Investigatory Committee for investigation of war crimes of Russia in the Chechen Republic and on Caucasus...´´

In connection with resolution of SB the United Nations about inadmissibility of confrontations, and instigations to terrorism, the Assembly of Protection of the Sovereignty of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria calls the United Nations to recognize aggression of Russia against the Chechen State as the display of terrorism on the state level.

APS of CHRI calls the United Nations Organization to recognize struggle of the Chechen people asserting the independence, restored as will of Chechen people, with struggle against the international terrorism.

War against the Chechen State, unleashed by revanchist forces of Russia is a crime against humanity, and demonstrative display practice of the international terrorism, directed ...
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Moscow Times: Putin Wants Chamber To Watch Press

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Putin Wants Chamber to Watch Press

Friday, October 14, 2005. Issue 3274. Page 3.
By Anatoly Medetsky
Staff Writer

President Vladimir Putin has sent a bill to the State Duma that would empower the Public Chamber to act as a media watchdog.

The nascent Public Chamber is supposed to keep an eye on civil society, and most of its members are expected to be Kremlin loyalists.

Putin's bill consists of amendments to the law on the Public Chamber and would allow the body to determine whether officials violate speech freedoms and report violations to law enforcement agencies, the Kremlin said in a statement announcing the submission of the bill to the Duma on Wednesday.

Under the bill, the chamber would also decide whether news organizations unfairly deny equal access to "various political forces" and report incidences to offending organizations or law enforcement agencies, the Kremlin said.

The 126-member chamber, which must be fully staffed by the end of ...
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