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Freedom and Fear

RIA NOVOSTI: Al Jazeera Reporter Attacked In Moscow

posted by FerrasB on January, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Al Jazeera reporter attacked in Moscow

RIA NOVOSTI. January 23, 2006, 10:17 AM

MOSCOW, January 23 (RIA Novosti) - A reporter working for Al Jazeera, the world's leading Arabic satellite news channel, has been assaulted in Moscow, a police representative said Monday.
According to the representative, the incident happened in the north of the city on Sunday.
"An unidentified individual hit an accredited reporter for the Al Jazeera television channel several times and fled the scene in a Subaru car," a police source said.
The reporter, a Qatar citizen, received first aid and the search for the attacker is under way, the police said

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MosNews: Russia Has Lost Economic, Political Freedom — Former Putin Aide

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Andrei Illarionov, former Russian President Vladimir Putin’s economic adviser / Photo by Echo of Moscow radio station

Andrei Illarionov, former Russian President Vladimir Putin’s economic adviser / Photo by Echo of Moscow radio station
Russia Has Lost Economic, Political Freedom — Former Putin Aide

Created: 23.01.2006 16:36 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 16:36 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1138023406)); </SCRIPT> , 20 hours 47 minutes ago


Former liberal economic advisor to Vladimir Putin, Andrei Illarionov, believes that Russia has become economically and politically unfree.

“Today Russia is not the country it was six years ago. The country was unsettled, chaotic, impoverished. But it was free. Today Russia has changed. It is richer. And unfree,” Illarionov said in an article published in the newspaper Kommersant and quoted by Interfax on Monday.

Illarionov believes that Russia is no longer “on the crossroads of an historic choice.”

“The crossroads has been passed, the choice has been made. Today we live in a different country,” ...
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PRIMA-News: Procuratorship Calls For Four Years Imprisonment For Dmitriyevsky

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

20.1.2006 21:29 MSK
Procuratorship calls for four years imprisonment for Dmitriyevsky
RUSSIA, Nizhniy Novgorod. On January 18th, in Nizhniy Novgorod, the District Attorney asked the court to sentence Editor- in- Chief of the newspaper “Human Rights”, Stanislav Dmitriyevsky, to 4 years in a penal colony. Dmitriyevsky is charged with publishing an open statement from Ahmet Zakaev and Aslan Maskadov in the newspaper.

Today’s court session was the final stage of process – final arguments. The District Attorney, Maslovam accused Dmitriyevsky of propagating information about the Russian- Chechen conflict that reflects the point of view of Zakaev and Maskadov. Justifying the need for a rigid sentence, she referred to international human rights standards, an increase in xenophobia in the country, and the need for tolerance. She also focused the court’s attention on what she called Dmitriyevsky’s attempts to use the court as scene for the statement of his political views. Dmitriyevsky, according to her, ...
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PRIMA-News:Distribution Of United Civil Front’s Newspaper Prevented By Police...

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

18.12.2006 13:55 MSK
Distribution of United Civil Front’s newspaper prevented by Police in Dimitrovgrad
RUSSIA, Dimitrovgrad Ulyanovsk district. Police prevented the distribution of the United Civil Front’s newspaper in Dimitrovgrad. According to representatives of the Dimitrovgrad branch of the United Civil Front on 13 December as they were distributing the latest edition of the newspaper to activists of the movement some policemen approached and without showing any documents took away several bundles of papers.

While they were doing this they repeated several times that if they noticed that papers were being distributed again, then the same fate would await them as the distributors of the newspaper “Limonka”.

On 11 December National Bolshevik, Stanislav Sosin, was called to the department of the public order police at the Dimitrovgrad branch of the interior ministry. A statement was taken from him as to why he was distributing banned literature and in particular “Limonka”. The policemen acquainted the ...
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CHECHENPRESS: Michael Trepashkin - An Example Of Honour, Courage And A fFdelity

posted by FerrasB on December, 2005 as Freedom and Fear

Decmber, 7, 2005

Michael Trepashkin - an example of honour, courage and a fidelity to a civic duty

So-called nijnetagilsk "court" has once again executed Putin's and Petrushev's will and has left in camp for two more years of our comrade Trepashkin Michael Ivanovich. That lawyer of Trepashkin has proved participation of FSB of Russia in explosions of apartment houses in 1999, knows practically all world. Even before the first arrest of lawyer Trepashkin, many Russians doubted that their own special services are capable of such monstrous crimes against people. These naive "lovers" of the native land and her "protectors" in blue uniforms, with foam at a mouth proved: "Our people could never do this!"

After punishment of Michael Trepashkin, the idiots believing in cleanliness and sanctity "organs", even in a building on Lubjanka practically did not remain. That without court and investigation special services of Russia kill innocent, are engaged in terrorism ...
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