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Freedom and Fear

Kavkaz Center: Russian Priest Converted To Islam

posted by FerrasB on August, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Russian Priest Converted to Islam
Publication time: Today at 22:59 Djokhar time
This month, Vladislav Sokhin, a graduate of the Kursk Orthodox Seminary, the St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy, and Kursk State University and a priest in that region since 2001, announced that he was leaving the Church because he had accepted Islam.

In articles placed in Russian on the website, Sokhin laid out the reasons that had led him to convert. On the one hand, he said he could no longer tolerate the paganistic, almost polytheistic worship of saints so widespread in popular Orthodoxy.

And on the other hand, he continued, he did not want to be constrained by the Moscow Patriarchate's slavish obedience to the policies of the Russian state. A religious leader should be free to express himself about all issues involving moral questions, something he said the Orthodox Church does not permit.



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Statement Democratic Union: Provocateurs Replace Democrats

posted by FerrasB on July, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

5.6.2006 14:30 MSK
Provocateurs replace Democrats
Russia’s democratic forces are faced with a new danger. This danger does not emanate from the OMON, or the FSB, or from one or the other various internal law and order forces. Nor does it come from the ranks of “Nashy”. These forces have been around since the late 1980’s and the democrats have grown accustomed to them. We are today threatened by false friends and allies with their dreams of Nazi or Bolshevik paradise.

One year ago, the democrats surrounded the Basman courthouse, in order to demonstrate their solidarity with Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev, who were being read their unconstitutional sentences. Ultimately, the OMON came and broke up the demonstration, but the point was made both at home and abroad: Khodorkovsky and Lebedev were prisoners of conscience, and Russian democrats were defending and supporting them.

Today, 31 May, democratic forces wanted to demonstrate on Pushkin Square ...
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Prima-News: Why Russia Needs Press Freedom Choose another message board

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

6.6.2006 18:10 MSK
Why Russia Needs Press Freedom
Address by Gavin K. O'Reilly, President, World Association of Newspapers, at the Opening Ceremony of the 59th World Newspaper Congress & 13th World Editors Forum, Moscow, 5th June 2006

Mr President, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen.

I wish you a very warm welcome on behalf of the World Association of Newspapers to this - the Opening Ceremony of our 59th World Newspaper Congress and 13th World Editors Forum.

I am delighted to note that the attendance at these events is the largest ever in the history of our organization - a record 1,700 participants from over 110 countries, making this truly the annual summit meeting of the world's press.

In my mind, there are two important factors behind this outstanding result:
1. firstly, that the themes of our conference has seized on the most crucial and vital issues facing our industry today; and
2. secondly, that all of us share ...
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Chechenpress: Freedom Is Always Legitimate!

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

June, 23, 2006

Freedom is always legitimate!


Dedicated to Abdul-Khalim Sadulayev, Man and President…

The Russian political and military leadership has committed its latest heinous crime – the president of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, Abdul-Khalim Sadulayev, was killed on 17 June 2006 in the town of Argun in the Chechen Republic. In 10 years, from 1996 to 2006, the Kremlin regime has now killed four presidents of the independent Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. And this may well not be the last victim on the road to the freedom and independence of the Chechens.

Are 250,000 human lives, four dead presidents and the devastation of the country of the Chechens not too high a price to pay for Chechen freedom and independence? And what of international democratic society, that very society that at one time had to defend its own national sovereignties? Perhaps the concepts of freedom and independence have already been forgotten ...
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PRIMA-News: Russian Radicals Prepare Referendum On Canceling Military Draft

posted by FerrasB on June, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

7.6.2005 12:57 MSK
Russian radicals prepare referendum on canceling military draft
RUSSIA, Moscow. The Russian Radical Party is preparing a referendum on the cancellation of the universal military draft. Due to the unwillingness and incapacity of the present Russian authorities, both executive, and legislative, to change the law concerning the draft, there is only one way left – a national referendum, according to the Secretary of the Russian Radical Party, Nikolai Khramov, at a June 6th press conference at the Independent Press Center in Moscow.

The question of the whether or not to stop the peacetime of the draft will be asked in the referendum. The current military draft was prepared by State Duma Deputy of the Union of Right-Wing Forces, Lieutenant General Eduard Vorobyev.

An initiative-taking group will be created to prepare the referendum. It must work with 45 areas of the federation with no less than 100 people in each. 45 days ...
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