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Freedom and Fear

Opposition Leader Says His Supporters Arrested En Route To G8..

posted by FerrasB on August, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Eduard Limonov leader of national Bolshevik Party (left) and Garry Kasparov / Photo: AP
Eduard Limonov leader of national Bolshevik Party (left) and Garry Kasparov / Photo: AP
Russian Opposition Leader Says His Supporters Arrested En Route to G8 Protest


Russian opposition leader and former chess champion Garry Kasparov said at least 20 of his activists had been arrested around Russia as they traveled to protest ahead of the G8 summit in St. Petersburg this weekend.

“The number is growing by the hour,” he said. Supporters had been refused permission to get on flights and were dragged off trains and buses.

His complaint comes with opposition supporters in St. Petersburg also criticizing a crackdown on dissent by security services worried that protests will interrupt the summit, The Irish Times reported. Police are reported to have swooped on dozens of opposition activists demanding to know if they are involved in protests coinciding with the summit.

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Post-Gazette: Russian TV Lacks Political Criticism

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Russian TV lacks political criticism

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
By Maria Danilova, The Associated Press

MOSCOW -- It used to be about elections and terrorist attacks. Now it's more about drunken husbands and breast enlargements.

Russian TV channels bristle with colorful talk shows, where guests and the audience get into arguments over frequently tawdry topics.

Media watchers say, however, the numerous programs are merely an illusion of freedom of speech in Russia, serving as a smoke screen for an increasingly restrictive media climate where political talk shows have been yanked off the air and where government criticism is rarely voiced.

Since Russian President Vladimir Putin came to power six years ago, the number of TV shows addressing family matters and other social issues has drastically increased. But political talk shows that pitted guests, including fierce government critics, against one another on subjects such as elections, corruption and the bloody war in Chechnya have disappeared or been ...
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Opposition Leader Says His Supporters Arrested En Route To G8..

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Eduard Limonov leader of national Bolshevik Party (left) and Garry Kasparov / Photo: AP
Eduard Limonov leader of national Bolshevik Party (left) and Garry Kasparov / Photo: AP
Russian Opposition Leader Says His Supporters Arrested En Route to G8 Protest


Russian opposition leader and former chess champion Garry Kasparov said at least 20 of his activists had been arrested around Russia as they traveled to protest ahead of the G8 summit in St. Petersburg this weekend.

“The number is growing by the hour,” he said. Supporters had been refused permission to get on flights and were dragged off trains and buses.

His complaint comes with opposition supporters in St. Petersburg also criticizing a crackdown on dissent by security services worried that protests will interrupt the summit, The Irish Times reported. Police are reported to have swooped on dozens of opposition activists demanding to know if they are involved in protests coinciding with the summit.

In one ...
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Kavkaz Center:The Kremlin's War Against Freedom

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

The Kremlin's war against freedom
Publication time: 15 July 2006, 14:56

Will any of the world leaders dare to confront the authoritarianism of President Putin?

RUSSIA IS THE big story this weekend. The G8 meeting comes to town in a fortified St Petersburg and the world's media will be there. After the winter stand-off between Ukraine and Russia over gas supplies energy supply is likely to dominate debate . But lurking behind that issue are a host of others - including the "bugged rock" spying affair.

If you believe the Russian authorities, their intelligence agencies caught spies in January supposedly scurrying from the British Embassy to a public park. These "spies" were indulging in the classic "dead letter drop" tactics of the Cold War era, using the embassy as a cover for espionage and funding front organisations to do the same.

 One intriguing aspect of this throwback to Ian Fleming was that the allegations emerged ...
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Moscow News: By Saying "Dollar" You Are Breaking The Law

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

19.07.06 Wednesday
By Saying "Dollar" You Are Breaking the Law
By Sergei Dmitriyev The Moscow News
Russia's lower house of parliament passed in the second reading a bill, according to which it is forbidden for governmental officials, State Duma deputies, Federation Council members, civil state officials and journalists to use the terms "dollar" and "euro", as well as the names of other foreign currencies during public speeches, in mass media publications, and on the Internet.

The bill says that "when speaking in public, including to the media, members of the government must not use foreign currency terms ... to give information about the cost of goods, work, services, property, the sums of closed deals, budget indexes at any level of the Russian budget system, state and municipal borrowings, or state and municipal debts."

However, the ban envisaged several exceptions, thus softening the legislation. The restriction does not cover the citing of public speeches, documents, and ...
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