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Freedom and Fear

Interfax: Trepashkin Under Arrest Again - Wife

posted by FerrasB on September, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

Sep 18 2005 1:34PM
Trepashkin under arrest again - wife

MOSCOW. Sept 18 (Interfax) - Ex-Federal Security Service colonel Mikhail Trepashkin, earlier released from prison, has been arrested again, Trepashkin's wife Tatyana told Interfax.

"My husband has been taken away. I was told he is under arrest," Tatyana said, noting that her husband had been arrested by officials with Moscow's Zyuzinskoye interior department.

Law enforcement agencies' comments on this information are not available to Interfax.

Trepashkin earlier told Interfax that about 20 policemen encircled his home and attempted to arrest him on Sunday.

The Moscow District Military Court had sentenced Trepashkin to four years in prison for disclosing a state secret.

After serving one third of the term Trepashkin filed a request for early release.

The court granted Trepashkin's request and freed him ahead of time. But prosecution appealed this decision.

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News: Members Of «Defense» Picket In St. Petersburg To Protect Rights

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

13.9.2005 20:02 MSK
Members of the youth movement «Defense» picket in St. Petersburg to protect voting rights.
RUSSIA, St. Petersburg. Activists from the youth movement «Defense» organized individual picketing in Smolny in defense of citizens’ voting rights, announced the St. Petersburg department of «Yablako».

Local authorities banned «Defense» activists from conducting demonstrations in Smolny and the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly. The activists are not required by law to inform the authorities in order to hold meetings, demonstrations, processions and picketing.

The participants, wearing football – jerseys of the movement «Defense» that read «Without choice», held the election ballots in their hands. The ballot displayed only the last name of the voter and no line to state his/her choice, but, instead, the signatures of the members of the «voting committee»: Vladimir Putin, Vladislav Surkov, Ilya Klebanov.

The demonstration concluded with one of the demonstrators – Alexander Fadeev – receiving a criminal record of an administrative violation ...
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RFE/RL: Russia: 'Kommersant' Purchase Changes Media Landscape

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Friday, September 1, 2006

Russia: 'Kommersant' Purchase Changes Media Landscape

Russia -- Alisher Usmanov, director-general of 'Gazprominvestholding', 17Mar2006
Alisher Usmanov made his money in metals
PRAGUE, September 1, 2006 (RFE/RL) -- The publishing house of one of Russia's leading business dailies, "Kommersant," has been sold to Alisher Usmanov, a metals magnate with close ties to the Kremlin.

Usmanov, who is reportedly worth $2.6 billion, has denied allegations that he bought the publishing house at the behest of the authorities. "This is my personal deal, my personal investment," he told the "Kommersant" daily.

Georgian entrepreneur Badri Patarkatsishvili, who purchased the newspaper from billionaire Boris Berezovsky only in February, says there "is no political subtext" behind the sale.

But his assurances have done little to soothe the concerns of "Kommersant" journalists and others concerned about the state of Russian media.

They see the deal -- reportedly worth around $300 million -- as an attempt by the Kremlin to tighten its ...
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: PRIMA-News: Picket In Support Of The Republican Party Of Russia Choose another message board

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

11.9.2006 11:11 MSK
Picket in support of the Republican Party of Russia
RUSSIA, Moscow. On September 7th, in Moscow, young activists of the Republican Party of Russia (RPR), the People's Democratic Union, the "Union of Right-Wing Forces" and "Yabloko", conducted a picket timed to coincide with a hearing on the RPR by the Federal Registration Service of Russia (FRS), reported the press service SPS. For the past one-and-a-half years, RPR has not been able to register the results of their two congresses.

The refusal of the FRS to register the new leaders of the party has created complexities in the functioning of the party structure: RPR cannot open new regional departments and increase its membership. On May11th, 2006, RPR appealed the action of the FRS to the Tagansky Court of Moscow. On September 7th, hearings were postponed until the 12th of September. Judge Vladimir Proshchenko considered the protest action to be pressure on ...
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MosNews: Hungary Cancels Moscow Trip As Top Prize In Anti-Soviet Uprising Quiz

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

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Hungary Cancels Moscow Trip as Top Prize in Anti-Soviet Uprising Quiz



A trip to Moscow will no longer be the top prize in a nationwide school quiz on the Hungarian uprising against Soviet domination, following pressure on the government, AFP reported citing the Hungarian education ministry.

“The winners can go to Paris, the city of revolutions,” the ministry said in a statement on Monday after Education Minister Istvan Hiller changed the award.

The media, politicians and teachers had questioned why the top prize should be a trip to Moscow, the then capital of the Soviet Union, which ordered the bloody suppression of the uprising in 1956.

The final of the quiz tournament will be held on October 23, the 50th anniversary of the uprising, when dozens of world leaders are expected in Budapest to attend the official commemoration.

Hungary’s short-lived uprising broke out on October 23, 1956 and was bloodily crushed ...
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