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Freedom and Fear

Chechenpress: Russian Invaders Experience The Wild Fear Even In India

posted by FerrasB on September, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

September, 9, 2005

The Russian invaders experience the wild fear before the Chechen warriors even in India

Russia has demanded from authorities of India to permit its "ambassador" in this country, certain V.Trubnikov to go everywhere with armed security forces. After FSB of the Russian Federation has ostensibly warned Trubnikov, that his life is under the threat, so-called " the embassy of the Russian Federation " has directed the appropriate request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India.

The Indian special services, no less than FSB, consider, that threats towards Trubnikov "may be" proceeded from the Muslim organizations of Kashmir jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashker-e-Taieba, which conduct, just like as Chechen people struggle for creation of the independent state and ostensibly they are connected with Chechen mojaheds. In this connection, India recently has increased protection around of a jack of terrorists, so-called " the Russian embassy ", in New Delhi.

On the other hand, the ...
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Mark Medish/IHT: [Meanwhile: A snapshot From Krasnodar]

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Meanwhile: A snapshot from Krasnodar
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2005

WASHINGTON On a recent visit to Krasnodar, in southern Russia, my father and I were arrested by the Federal Security Service, or FSB, the new version of the secret police. Our three hours in FSB custody evoked dark shadows of the Soviet past as well as moments out of the Keystone Kops. Krasnodar also revealed the complexity of today’s Russia.

I had gone there to meet my father, 88, who had just been in Moscow for the 60th anniversary of V-E Day. Reared in Krasnodar, he was a Red Army soldier who got out of the Soviet Union as a prisoner of war. After World War II he managed to avoid forced repatriation, a common fate of Soviet refugees in the hands of Stalin’s wartime allies. He emigrated to America and later served in the U.S. Army in the Korean War.

One of the ironies ...
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FREEDOM & FEAR : RFE/RL: [Russia: Authorities Seek To Convert Beslan's Muslims] Choose another message board

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Russia: Authorities Seek To Convert Beslan's Muslims
Wednesday, 07 September 2005
By Paul Goble
Russia -- Beslan icon
North Ossetian officials have sought to increase supervision of Muslim organizations in the year since the Beslan tragedy
In the year since the Beslan tragedy, North Ossetian security officials have sought to close down all independent Muslim organizations there, a campaign that has caused at least some members of historically Islamic nationalities to announce their conversion to Orthodox Christianity.

Tartu, 6 September -- Prior to the terrorist attack, 70 percent of the residents of Beslan considered themselves Muslims, according to a report in "Nasha versiya" this week. This report is somewhat anomalous because Ossetians are traditionally Christians and they account for 60 percent of the republic's total population of some 710,000.

But now, the number of Muslims in Beslan has declined significantly as officials have indicated that they view anyone who "actively practices" Islam as "an enemy," according to ...
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Forum 18/CWNews: Russia Raising Bars To Missionary Entry?

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Russia raising bars to missionary entry?

Moscow, Sep. 09 (Forum 18/ - A Moscow-based lawyer specializing in religious liberty believes that the Russian government is raising the barriers against foreign missionaries seeking to enter the country.

In a study on the problem, the Forum 18 news service finds that it is difficult to determine the number of foreign religious workers who are denied entry into Russia, since many religious leaders prefer not to report visa denials.

Catholic Bishop Clemens Pickel told Forum18 that the denial of a new visa for Father Janusz Blaut in October 2004-- after the priest had served for 10 years in Russia has left his Vladikavkaz parish without a priest. Father Blaut was the 8th Catholic cleric to be denied a visa in the past 10 years.

Yet Lutheran Bishop Siegfried Springer and Protestant overseer Hugo Van Niekerk-- both denied visas this summer-- have once more been granted them.

Bishop Jerzy ...
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Moscow Times: Stukalin Fired From Newspaper

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Stukalin Fired From Newspaper

Monday, September 19, 2005
By Nabi Abdullaev
Staff Writer

Kommersant supervising editor Vladislav Borodulin said Friday that he had fired the paper's editor, Alexander Stukalin, whose ouster was signaled in a major reshuffle in June.

Borodulin, who has been identified in Kommersant's editorial masthead as the paper's editor since last Monday, had the responsibility of deciding whether Stukalin should stay with Kommersant after its owner, Boris Berezovsky, said Stukalin should go.

"Alexander Stukalin was offered the chance of working in another position in the publishing house in new interesting projects" but had not responded, Borodulin told Interfax on Friday.

Neither Borodulin nor Stukalin could be reached for comment Friday.

Stukalin's name stopped appearing in the masthead last Monday. Instead, Borodulin was identified both as supervising editor and editor. A secretary in Borodulin's office said by telephone Friday that Stukalin was fired in July. In a June interview in Kommersant, Berezovsky said Stukalin would have ...
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