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Freedom and Fear

MosNews: Russian Soccer Club Fined For Not Playing In Terror-Hit Caucasus

posted by FerrasB on October, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

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Russian Soccer Club Fined for Not Playing in Terror-Hit Caucasus

Created: 20.10.2005 17:02 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 17:02 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1129813349)); </SCRIPT>


Kuban Krasnodar have been penalised for their refusal to travel to Russia’s dangerous Caucasus region for a league match against first division rivals Spartak Nalchik, the Reuters news agency reports.

Russia’s soccer chiefs awarded Spartak a 3-0 win and fined Kuban one million roubles ($34,940) after the Krasnodar club, citing security reasons, refused to travel to Nalchik following last week’s rebel raid on the city.

Up to 100 gunmen, linked to Chechen separatists, attacked Nalchik, capital of the <NOBR>Kabardino-Balkaria</NOBR> region, last Thursday, killing dozens of police and civilians.

“I don’t think it’s possible to play a football match in a city where you have tanks on the streets and special forces are fighting rebels,” Kuban general director Maxim Remchyukov was quoted as saying by the Russian media on Thursday. ...
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PRIMA-News: Anti-Muslim Repressions And Kidnappings Continue In Russia

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

1.11.2005 13:02 MSK
Anti-Muslim repressions and kidnappings continue in Russia
Vitaly Ponomarev
Vitaly Ponomarev
RUSSIA, Moscow. In 2005, in 10 areas of the Russian Federation (Central Russia, the Volga Region, and Siberia) 39 people were held on charges in of so-called Islamic extremism, according to Vitaly Ponomarev, Director of the Central-Asian Program of the Human Rights Center Memorial, at an October 31 press conference, "Anti-Muslim Repressions in Central Russia" at the Independent Press Center.

Scores of people are under investigation. No less than 40 percent of those under investigation undergo torture, noted Ponomarev. Recently in central Russia, terrorist accusations have been manufactured. The most scandalous of them is the Tatarstan matter, where 20 people were accused of preparing terrorist acts for the 1000th anniversary of Kazan.

The kidnapping of former inhabitants of Uzbekistan continues. Vitaly Ponomarev reports that, according to Muslims of the Volga Region, each year 3 - 4 descendants from Uzbekistan disappear.

The Director of ...
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MosNews: A Sobering Effect Of Politkovskaya’s Killing

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Photo: AP
Photo: AP
A Sobering Effect of Politkovskaya’s Killing


The killing of Anna Politkovskaya, one of the few journalists who had refused to keep their mouths shut and continued to criticize harshly the Putin regime, has had a sobering effect on the Russians.

People responded to her death on Saturday, October 7, with anger and frustration, even those who had argued with her when she was alive, those who had laughed at her efforts and accusations she hurled at the official authorities, the Russian military and Moscow proteges in Chechnya.

People carried flowers to a house where she lived in downtown Moscow — and where she was murdered — and placed flowers and candles outside the offices of a newspaper where she worked.

Hundreds meanwhile rallied in Moscow’s Pushkin Square to protest her murder as well as the Russian crackdown on Georgians since a spy row erupted last week.

Underneath a photograph of Politkovskaya, one poster ...
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MosNews:Russian Journalists Skeptical Of Probe Into Anna Politkovskaya’s Killing

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Photo: AP
Photo: AP
Russian Journalists Skeptical of Probe Into Anna Politkovskaya’s Killing


Leading Russian journalists, international journalism watchdogs and Western governments condemned the killing of Anna Politkovskaya and demanded a thorough probe into the attack though many doubt that those behind the killing will be brought to justice.

Russia has become a deadly place for journalists who run afoul of government officials or their business and political partners, The Associated Press wrote Sunday. Those behind the killings, though, are rarely brought to justice, reinforcing a sense of impunity that may have encouraged the killers of Anna Politkovskaya, a fierce critic of the war in Chechnya.

As the European Union and the U.S. demanded a thorough probe into Saturday’s contract-style killing, there was skepticism that the authorities would ever uncover the culprits of the latest in a series of killings of journalists in Russia under President Vladimir Putin, who has been increasingly accused of rolling ...
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: Kavkaz Center: US: Journo's Murder Shocking

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

US: Journo's murder shocking
Publication time: 8 October 2006, 10:58
The United States on Saturday expressed shock at the murder of investigative Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya and urged Moscow to bring to justice those responsible.

"The United States is shocked and profoundly saddened by the brutal murder of independent Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, who was killed today in her Moscow apartment building," US State Department spokesperson Sean McCormack said in a statement.

Calling Politkovskaya a "highly respected and tireless investigative reporter and author" who worked in the face of death threats, McCormack said the United States extends "deepest sympathies to her family."

"The United States urges the Russian government to conduct an immediate and thorough investigation in order to find, prosecute, and bring to justice all those responsible for this heinous murder," the spokesman said.

Politkovskaya won fame at home and abroad for her persistent and often harrowing reporting of atrocities by Russian forces and Chechen ...
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