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Freedom and Fear

Chechenpress: The Target Of Movement "STOP-Dictatorship"

posted by FerrasB on October, 2006 as Freedom and Fear

October, 6, 2005

The target of Movement "STOP-dictatorship"

In sovereign Republic Tatarstan prosecutions of the citizens professing the Islam proceed, prosecutions of people for their religious and political views proceed. This regrettable fact means only one - the beginning of a paralysis of working Kremlin authority, that authority which always professed only one cult - a cult of lie, meanness and violence. The mode of dictator Putin obviously leads to a deadend.

Today is already senseless to consider and analyze such theses as "state for a person" or as it and was always in Russia, "a person for the state". Today all here living, and especially those people which have simply civic position are hostages of state machinery, system which with identical cruelty mills right and guilty. It is proved with the facts of last time: Michael Trepashkins arrest, prosecutions of moslems in sovereign Tatarstan and others, all of known cases and the ...
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Civil Georgia: Georgia, Lithuania Call On Baltic, Caucasus States For Closer Tie

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

UNAG online Magazine
    Georgia, Lithuania Call on Baltic, Caucasus States for Closer Ties     News
    / Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 2005-10-07 18:34:04     

Lithuanian and Georgian Foreign Ministers, Antanas Valionis and Salome Zourabichvili signed a joint letter on October 6 inviting the foreign ministers of Latvia, Estonia, Azerbaijan and Armenia to develop Lithuania’s initiative concerning cooperation of three Baltic States and three Caucasian States.

According to the press release issued by the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry on October 7, Antanas Valionis and Salome Zourabichvili proposed to organize the meeting of six foreign ministers in Brussels, where the ministers of NATO and partner states are to gather in December.

According to Lithuanian and Georgian foreign ministers the reforms and regional cooperation experience of the Baltic States is a good example for Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan on their way to European and Euro-Atlantic structures.

Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Brussels would be an important step ...
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Moscow Times: Hundreds Rally For Free Elections

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Hundreds Rally for Free Elections

Monday, October 10, 2005. Issue 3270. Page 3.
The Moscow Times

Vladimir Filonov / MT

Activists standing on Pushkin Square on Sunday afternoon for the rally, which sought to recruit election observers.

Hundreds of young activists rallied Sunday on Pushkin Square to call for free elections, and police detained 16 people who tried to disrupt the demonstration with mice and tomatoes.

Carrying posters reading "We demand that the constitution be observed" and "Enough elections without choice," up to 1,000 people packed the square for the rally and a concert organized by Yabloko and other liberal groups.

"The goal of the rally was to draw attention to the problem of election fraud and also kick off a campaign to recruit election observers," co-organizer Alexei Navalny told Interfax. "The goal, we believe, was reached."

Moscow City Duma elections and a Moscow by-election for the State Duma will be held Dec. 4. Police said they ...
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Mansur Mazaev/Chechenpress: Liubiansk’s Bog Began To Croak

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

October, 27, 2005

Liubiansk’s bog began to croak

Who about what, but lousy about a bath. Provided that Anna Politkovskaia or her colleague Julia Latynina write only about weather in the Chechen Republic, in this case, somewhere in the middle of a narration, the wicked "vakhkhabist" necessarily will lean out from "the foggy mountains of Ichkeria". It is nothing to talk about materials referring to supposedly right protecting subjects, - the crimes of the Russian authorities will be listed in details, but also they, eventually, will be justified, reminding, that "Vakhkhabists are worse". It seems that, it is such general line, as for creative people in the USSR - in any production not to forget mentioning the role of a party, and so even now, the main thing not to forget interlacing "vakhkhabists" in a plot.

Anyone, who has the opportunity to visit Chechen Republic, can without difficulty learn about the relation of ...
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posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Photo from

Photo from
Russian Soccer Club Fined for Not Playing in Terror-Hit Caucasus

Created: 20.10.2005 17:02 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 17:02 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1129813349)); </SCRIPT>


Kuban Krasnodar have been penalised for their refusal to travel to Russia’s dangerous Caucasus region for a league match against first division rivals Spartak Nalchik, the Reuters news agency reports.

Russia’s soccer chiefs awarded Spartak a 3-0 win and fined Kuban one million roubles ($34,940) after the Krasnodar club, citing security reasons, refused to travel to Nalchik following last week’s rebel raid on the city.

Up to 100 gunmen, linked to Chechen separatists, attacked Nalchik, capital of the <NOBR>Kabardino-Balkaria</NOBR> region, last Thursday, killing dozens of police and civilians.

“I don’t think it’s possible to play a football match in a city where you have tanks on the streets and special forces are fighting rebels,” Kuban general director Maxim Remchyukov was quoted as saying by the Russian media on Thursday. ...
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