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Freedom and Fear

WSJ: American Revolutionary

posted by eagle on September, 2008 as Freedom and Fear

American Revolutionary

Quiet Boston Scholar Inspires Rebels Around the World

SEPTEMBER 13, 2008

BOSTON -- In February, the Iranian government showed a fictionalized video on the dangers of foreign plots against the state. One of its stars: a mysterious American named Gene Sharp.

In June 2007, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez publicly accused Mr. Sharp of stirring unrest in Venezuela. Last year in Vietnam, authorities arrested several opposition activists who were distributing a book written by Mr. Sharp. In 2005, fires destroyed two Moscow bookstores selling Russian translations of the same book.

The target of all this intrigue and animosity is 80 years old and slightly stooped. He walks with a cane.

Shanona White for the Wall Street Journal
Gene Sharp, whose writings have irked Iran and other governments.

Working from a modest house in East Boston, Mr. Sharp is nearly ...

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FSB Thugs Treat All Foreigners As GULAG Prisoners

posted by FerrasB on December, 2007 as Freedom and Fear

FSB Thugs Treat All Foreigners As GULAG Prisoners
Publication time: 17 December 2006, 13:58
Russian invaders have expelled Christoph Wanner, a German reporter for Deutsche Welle, from the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.

Mr Wanner had been taken into custody on Thursday, accused of working without the required FSB oversight by Russian authorities. He had been in Chechnya working on a report for Deutsche Welle television, DW-TV, highlighting the reconstruction work being carried out by German aid groups.

Mr Wanner was arrested in the Maskhadov (former Oktyabrsky) district of Jokhar while he was interviewing local residents. The journalist was kept   in an invaders' "police station" for four hours. His accreditation, satellite phone, and videotapes were stolen by FSB thugs.

Mr Wanner was only able to complete part of his filming, since on Thursday he was taken into temporary custody by the Russian secret services agency FSB (the same guys who poisoned Russian defector in England last ...
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PRIMA-News: Moscow City Duma Wants To Limit Media Freedom

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

24.12.2006 19:52 MSK
Moscow City Duma wants to limit media freedom

RUSSIA, Moscow. The Moscow City Duma (Mosgorduma) has accepted a bill which it intends to propose to the State Duma. On December 21, Mosgorduma accepted at the first reading, a project on corrections to the law "About the Media". They forbid "propagation in the media" or "computer networks” of information about the nationality of victims, offenders, suspects, and those accused of crimes".

The "United Russia" faction – a Duma majority - voted for the adoption of the document, introduced by its representative, Mosgorduma Chairman Vladimir Platonov.

According to Platonov, nationality is unverified information. According to the constitution, only citizens have the right to indicate their nationality; no one can be constrained to indicate their nationality; therefore the indication of nationality without sufficient bases can be considered as unverified information and a violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, he said.

The next step of ...
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ndependent: Ken Russell: The Film-Maker Laid Bare

posted by FerrasB on January, 2007 as Freedom and Fear

5 January 2007 18:45
Ken Russell: The film-maker laid bare
It's easy to deride the spectacle of a 79-year-old Ken Russell in 'Celebrity Big Brother'. But Britain's most extraordinary film-maker is more than capable of holding his own among the wannabes, has-beens and never-weres of reality TV. Boyd Tonkin defends a true original
Published: 05 January 2007

"Hope I die before I get old". The Who's lyrics, which later inspired Ann-Margret's notorious baked-bean bath and all manner of campy stunts in Ken Russell's movie of Tommy, should perhaps be taken to heart by every pioneering film director of a certain age. Failure to do so may lead to grim outcomes for auteurs from a senior generation.

In the case of Orson Welles, there were the Domecq sherry commercials. Nic Roeg, Ken Russell's equal in the pantheon of maverick British geniuses, plunged into a deep circle of straight-to-video hell and ended up putting his wayward art ...
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KC: Film-Maker Fears Returning To Russia

posted by FerrasB on as Freedom and Fear

Film-maker fears returning to Russia
Publication time: Today at 11:06 Djokhar time

A Russian documentary-maker and friend of Alexander Litvinenko, said yesterday that he feared for his safety after being warned "not to make anti-Russian films".

Andrei Nekrasov, who has just finished a documentary for BBC2, on the Litvinenko murder, said that relatives in Russia had received the threat this week from "an old friend".

"I am concerned for my safety," he told The Times. "I do not know if it is safe for me to return to my home in St Petersburg."

Mr Nekrasov was close to Litvinenko and visited him regularly in hospital after his poisoning with radioactive polonium-210. His film for Storyville My Friend Sacha: a Very Russian Murder is said to be a powerful indictment of the authoritarianism of President Putin's Russia. It includes an interview with Litvinenko's widow, Marina, and footage implicating the Kremlin in the attempted murder of Boris ...
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