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Veteran Union Of Caucasian Peoples’ Confederation Created

posted by FerrasB on February, 2006 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/6/2006 5:40 AM
In Sukhumi Veteran Union of Caucasian peoples’ Confederation  created
In Abkhazia the Veteran Union of the Caucasian peoples’ Confederation (VU CPC) is created. As IА REGNUM correspondent reported, on January 29th the constituent conference of the renewed organization took place in Sukhumi.

The chairman of VU CPC was elected Musa Shanibov. The purposes and problems of the Union are association of representatives of 16 nations of Caucasus, members the CPC participated personally or impersonally in the CPC’s activities during the Georgian-Abkhazian war in 1992-93 and in other conflicts in Caucasus.


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Adygeanatpress: Georgian-Abkhazian Negotiations Started In Geneva

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/6/2006 6:34 AM
 In Geneva Georgian-Abkhazian negotiations started

In the United Nations office in Geneva the next Georgian-Abkhazian two-day meeting starts on February 2nd. The state minister on settlement of conflicts George Haindrava headed the Georgian delegation. At the meeting there will be also a personal representative of the president of Georgia in the Georgian-Abkhazian negotiations Iracly Alasania. The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia Sergey Shamba should head the Abkhazian delegation. Into the structure of the delegation there would be also the chairman of the committee on foreign relations of the National assembly of Abkhazia Beslan Butba and the head of the Sukhumi branch of the Fund of development of "Caucasian institute of democracy" Socrat Djindjolia.

Note: the Group of friends to the secretary general of the United Nations ...
>> full artcle...

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Adygeanatpress: UN Watch Mission’s Madate In Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/6/2006 1:45 PM
UN Watch Mission’s mandate in Georgian-Abkhazian conflict zone  prolonged till March 31st
At the official session of Security Council of the United Nations on January 31st this year the brief technical resolution # 1656 about prolongation of the mandate of UN Watch Mission in the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict zone till March 31st, 2006 had been unanimously adopted. Changes of the format of that resolution SC of the UN and the prolongation term of the mandate of the UN Mission were the coordinated decisions of the Council members in connection with amendments offered by the Russian party to the traditional project of the resolution.

Their main point is abolition of the references to the document of 2001 about "Main principles of differentiation of powers between Tbilisi and Sukhumi" ("D.Boden's document") ...
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People With «Sick Imagination» Represent Georgia In UN

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/6/2006 1:54 PM
Bagapsh: people with «sick imagination» represent Georgia in UN
"Ambassador of Georgia in the United Nations Revaz Adamija has a sick imagination, in Abkhazia there never had been a genocide of Georgian people, - the president of Abkhazia Sergey Bagapsh, making comments on the statement of the Georgian diplomat about Russian policies of “annexation of Abkhazia, genocide against Georgians and ethnic cleanings".

"Ambassador of Georgia tries to put everything upside down. In Abkhazia Georgia had tried to carry out the genocide against Abkhazian people, and everybody knows about that. Adamija is a known "hawk"; he had never been a constructive politician. Unfortunately, now such people represent Georgia in the United Nations", - emphasized Bagapsh. In his opinion, Georgia purposefully aggravates the situation concerned Russian peacemakers in South Ossetia ...
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Abkhazian President Ordered To React To Georgian Bands

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/6/2006 2:06 PM
Abkhazian president ordered "to react operatively to actions  of Georgian bands"
The president of Abkhazia Sergey Bagapsh charged to the heads of the State Security Council and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of republic "and henceforth to react operatively to actions of Georgian bands in the region". As the head of the governmental information Christian Bjania informed IА REGNUM, at the meeting taken place today in Sukhumi with participation of the Minister of Internal Affairs Otar Hetzia and the chairman of the State security service Jury Ashuba, heads of those departments had reported to the leader of the state about the process of investigation concerning members of the Georgian militarized grouping neutralized on January 31st in Gali area.

Note: during an operation on band’s neutralization its one participant ...
>> full artcle...

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