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RFE/RL: Thousands Rally For Abkhazia's Independence

posted by FerrasB on December, 2007 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/6/2006 6:38 AM
Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Thousands Rally For Abkhazia's Independence

Georgia -- map with Abkhazia and South Ossetia
December 6, 2006 -- Thousands of people today rallied in the Abkhaz capital Sukhumi calling on Russia and the international community to recognize the breakaway region's independence from Georgia.

Some 35,000 people reportedly took part in the rally, which also called for Abkhazia to join the Russian Federation.

Sergei Bagapsh, the self-declared Abkhaz president, told the rally Abkhazia and Georgia could not coexist within one state.

Russia's lower house of parliament is due today to debate statements on Abkhazia and Georgia's other breakaway region, South Ossetia.

Andrei Kokoshin, the head of the State Duma's committee for CIS affairs, told reporters ahead of the debate that the draft statement will, if passed, call on "all international organizations and ...
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Agency Caucasus: Sukhum To Be Extricated From War's Legacy

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/6/2007 3:20 AM
Sukhum to be extricated from war's legacy     

Sukhum/Agency Caucasus - Abkhazian President Sergei Bagapsh announced a series of plans to extricate the capital city of Sukhum from the legacy of war.

"It is now the time to erase the traces of war from the capital city, which is the face of both the people and the government," said Bagapsh.

The Prime Minister Aleksandr Ankvab will head a group of officials who will develop and implement projects to improve the silhouette of Sukhum, starting in the 15th anniversary of the 1992-1993 war between Abkhazia and Georgia.

Huge projects take huge amounts of time, said Bagapsh, but added that a significant portion of the work will have been done until the 15th anniversary of the war.

The Abkhazian president also called ...
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Agency Caucasus: Abkhazia Has Language Revolution

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/10/2007 3:55 AM

Abkhazia has language revolution

Sukhum/Agency Caucasus - The Abkhazian language was accorded on Friday the status of an official language.

Adopted on November 14 in the Abkhazian parliament, the new law aims at providing anything necessary to render fully function Abkhazian as an official language, to make it available widely for public communication and to help develop it.

*All public institutions as well as organizations will go with Abkhazian as the standard language of communication.

* The state will ensure that all ethnic groups in Abkhazia will have the freedom to use their own languages.

* Public officers, deputies and local authorities must have proficiency in the official language.

* The state will ensure that the official language is taught at schools, developed and rendered functional, and preserved socially, economically, legally ...
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posted by FerrasB on November, 2007 as Abkhazia

From: MSN Nicknamepsychoteddybear24  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/24/2006 9:55 AM

The breakaway republic fears the implications of Georgia's NATO ambitions.

By Inal Khashig in Sukhum

Political leaders in Abkhazia view the prospect of Georgia entering NATO with
deep anxiety, with government officials saying such a move would be a grave
threat to their own hopes of achieving independence, and warning that it could
spur them to move even closer to Russia.

"Above all, we see ourselves as a country allied with Russia," said Sergei
Shamba, foreign minister of the unrecognised republic. "It's well known that
NATO expansion in our region runs counter to Russia's interests.

"If Georgia joins the North Atlantic Alliance, recognition of Abkhaz
independence will become more difficult since the kind of support Georgia will
get from NATO members will be of a different order; it will carry more weight."

Abkhaz officials ...
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Agency Caucasus: European Abkhazians Establish Center For Information

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/23/2007 6:07 PM
European Abkhazians establish center for information     
Duesseldorf - The Abkhazian Diaspora in Europe established in the German city of Duesseldorf the Abkhazian Center for Information and Culture in an attempt to convey information about Abkhazia to the West.

The establishment of the Center came after Chairman Guram Gumba of the Commission on International Relations in Abkhazian Parliament held several talks with representatives of the Abkhazian-Abazin Diaspora that live in different European cities.

Gumba was asked by representatives of the Abkhazian Diaspora to reply questions both about the political, economic and cultural developments in Abkhazia and the course of peace negotiations between Georgia and Abkhazia.

Information about the living conditions of, works by and relations to the motherland of the Diaspora came at the meeting from Ozkan Tarba, Alaaddin ...
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