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Abkhazian Government Gave 28 Organizations 751455 Rubles

posted by FerrasB on December, 2005 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/30/2005 4:22 PM
Abkhazian government gave 28 organizations 751455 rubles

The government of Abkhazia allocated due to means of the Fund of help 751455 rubles for encouragement of workers of the creative unions, some scientific institutes, educational establishments, and editions – in total to 28 organizations.

In the conversation with IА REGNUM correspondent in Sukhumi, the vice-premier, Minister of Finance Beslan Kubrava noted that such encouragement was not a great achievement of the government. "We just consider that these organizations are the most financially vulnerable and are not well-provided, therefore we decided to encourage them with rate of wages", - he noted. At the same time, up to the end of the current year the salaries will be paid for December to the workers of budgetary sphere. "The leaving year ...
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Adygeanatpress: An Abkhazian Militia Killed And 12-Years Old Boy Wounded

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/30/2005 5:05 PM
 In Abkhazian conflict zone employee of Abkhazian militia killed   and 12-years old boy wounded

In the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict zone there was an armed incident during which one man died, two were wounded. As sources in the disputed zone informed IА REGNUM correspondent, in the morning eight armed men in masks near village Gagida of Gali area of Abkhazia attacked a bus with 25 passengers, who went to the area centre Gali from adjacent Zugdidi area of Samegrelo region.

Having stopped the bus, the attackers opened fire from the automatic weapons therefore an employee of Abkhazian militia Sichinava (one of the passengers) was killed, two more passengers – Irma Korkelia and 12-years old boy Beka Dzhindzholia were wounded. The criminals plundered the bus’ passengers, having taken away their ...
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Adygeanatpress: Bagapsh Will Not Sign Agreement "About Security Guarantees"

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/30/2005 5:25 PM
Bagapsh will not sign agreement "About security guarantees"  modified by Tbilisi

"If the Georgian party brings in corrective amendments in the Agreement on security guarantees and not renewal of military actions, we shall not sign it". That was declared by the president of Abkhazia Sergey Bagapsh at the press conference on December, 27th. As IА REGNUM correspondent in Sukhumi reported, the Abkhazian leader opposed any changes into the Agreement on guarantees of security and not renewal of military actions.

That document, as he said, had been coordinated on December, 6-7th - during the visit to Abkhazia of the representative of the Georgian authority at intermediary of the United Nations Secretary General Special representative Hajdi Taljavini. In the document they plan to provide, that in case of war threat the ...
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Adygeanatpress: National Unity Of Abkhazia Calls For "Privatization Moratorium"

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/26/2005 12:13 AM
Forum of national unity of Abkhazia calls to declare  "privatization moratorium"
The forum of national unity (FNU) of Abkhazia called the president of republic Sergey Bagapsh and Abkhazian parliament to declare a moratorium for privatization of great objects of the real estate until working out of legislative principles of effective using the fixed capitals of the country that would correspond the national interests of Abkhazia and its security.

As IА REGNUM correspondent in Sukhumi reported, the FNU believes that "authorities chose the way of sale everything that could be sold, propagandizing it as panacea of resolution of all problems". "At the same time no scientifically proved programs of actions corresponding political and economic realities Abkhazia lives in, are offered society. It is absolutely clear that they make an ...
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Prime Minister Of Abkhazia Describes Budget Of 2006

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/26/2005 12:43 AM
Prime minister of Abkhazia: "budget 2006 is not a budget  of development"

\"The state budget for 2006 is not a budget of development, and, still, is traditionally fiscal\". That was declared during the parliament session by the prime minister of Abkhazia Alexander Ankvab. At the same time, as he said, in the document there were those \"ideas\" which \"should be developed during next years\".

As IА REGNUM correspondent in Sukhumi reported, at the session Ankvab supported the necessity of increasing of administrative and financial discipline. \"If each minister, each chairman of state committee, head of administration or an official of any level is daily engaged in nuances of the budget, I think, we will have built serious prospects for 2007\", - the head of the Abkhazian government ...
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