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RT: Landmines Continue To Injure Thousands In Chechnya

posted by eagle on December, 2009 as War in Chechnya

Landmines continue to injure thousands in Chechnya

09 December, 2009, 09:15

Years of armed conflict in Russia's Republic of Chechnya has left a deadly legacy that threatens the lives of people living there today. The region has one of the highest concentrations of landmines in the world.

Although the Emergencies Ministry has been working to clear the area, little progress has been made, prompting thousands of Chechens to call for more to be done.

More than 3,000 people were injured or killed by landmines following the two anti-terror campaigns in Chechnya – around 500 of whom are women.

Fatima cannot walk. Like many other women injured by landmines, she lost both legs while collecting berries in the woods. Now she says her entire life is ruined.

Nevertheless, a clinic which makes artificial limbs offers her hope.

Rasul Khadzhimuradov, the specialist making artificial legs for Fatima says the number of landmine accidents in Chechnya has fallen over the ...

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