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Chechnya welcomes newspaper about human rights

posted by zaina19 on September, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/14/2007 5:59 PM
Chechnya welcomes newspaper about human rights     
Caharkala/Agency Caucasus – Chechnya welcomes the launch of a new newspaper with human rights set to be its essential theme.
With support and guidance from the puppet government of Chechnya, which is considered by international organizations to be poor in its handling of human rights issues, ‘Defender of Chechen Rights’ has now appeared as a new newspaper.

With its first issue printed yesterday, the launch program welcomed Nurdi Yeuhajiyev as the human rights official of the puppet Chechen government, members of the civilian assembly, some human rights organization officials and journalists. Yeuhajiyev referred to the new news paper as the launcher of a new era across North Caucasia.  

This newspaper is targeted at a large readership, said Yeuhajiyev, and added that it will cover such issues as human rights, the warfare and the missing people in ...
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The Appeal to Terry Davis and Nicolas Sarkozi

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/15/2007 6:33 PM
September, 16, 2006

The Appeal to Terry Davis and Nicolas Sarkozi

SIA CHECHENPRESS, 11 September 2007


Dear Mr. Terry Davis and Mr. Sarkozi,

Allow us to warn you that the lack of your timely reaction may lead to the death of Said-Emin Ibragimov, a lawyer and human rights activist. His eighth hunger-strike is going on for the ninth day now. Moreover, as his larynx is burned by earlier hunger-strikes, he cannot drink any water as well. All Ibragimov’s demands are in full accordance with the Conventions and Resolutions, which must be observed by the Council of Europe which adapted and signed them.

The human rights activist is on a hunger strike in a country led by a progressive politician, who has rightly called the tragedy of the Chechen nation a genocide. We are confident that the Council of Europe, as well as all the honest people, quite ...
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10/9/2007 SC of Kabardino-Balkaria satisfies journalist Murtaz Pachev's claim

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/11/2007 7:09 PM

SC of Kabardino-Balkaria satisfies journalist Murtaz Pachev's claim

The Board on Civil Cases of the Supreme Court (SC) of Kabardino-Balkaria has considered a cassation complaint filed by of journalist Murtaz Pachev about cancelling the decision of the Nalchik Court, and satisfied the complaint. The case was directed to the Nalchik City Court for new consideration by another court staff.

In his initial claim to the Nalchik City Court the journalist had demanded: 1) to cancel the reprimand announced to him by managers of the Kabardino-Balkarian Radio and TV Company ("Kabbalkteleradio"); 2) to restore the bonuses which the journalist had been deprived of; and 3) to resume the broadcast that was stopped by the decision of the managers.

The Supreme Court has recognized the first two points of the journalist's claim to be justified.

We remind you that on October 14, 2006, journalist Murtaz Pachev recited an ...
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The Oslo Conference participants' Appeal to PACE

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

Recommend      Message 1 of 1 in Discussion
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/12/2007 5:44 AM

The Oslo Conference participants' Appeal to PACE

Oslo, 6th September 2007

Dear Members of Parliaments,

We appeal to you on behalf of the Chechen nation and its leaders on the day of 16 anniversary of Chechen Republic of Ichkeria Independence Day.

Chechen human rights activist Said-Emin Ibragimov stays now at the doorsteps of the PACE, the highest body expected to observe the human rights. He is demanding to observe those very laws which you have pledged to observe in all your documents. To make your actions correspond to your words, Mr. Ibragimov has gone on a preliminary hunger strike.

We, the representatives of the Chechen nation convened today at our forum, believe Mr. Ibragimov's demands are absolutely legitimate, and demand to consider them.

We emphasize that, in case the Chechen human rights activist's demands are ignored, the responsibility ...
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Gutseriyev in Azerbaijan, Russian newspaper

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/11/2007 6:14 PM
Gutseriyev in Azerbaijan, Russian newspaper
Publication time: 11 September 2007, 16:45
The "Tviy Den" (Your Day) edition reaffirms that the Ingush origin Russian billionaire Mikhail Gutseriyev (Minkail) is in Azerbaijan in the town of Nasosnom, at the home of his son Chingiskhan who died in suspicious car accident when the his father's had troubles with the Kremlin.

The edition states that Gutseriyev is protect by the "Kurdish thugs" and members of Secret Service of Azerbaijan. The Nasosnom town is surrounded by the "triple ring of defense". The number of these rings quoted by the newspaper, is very modest.

The external ring is consisted of 6 members of a "Special State Security Service", subordinated to Aliyev himself.  The average circle consisted of five employees of the Ministry of National Security and the nearby circle is consisted of 10 Kurds.

Gutseriyev is afraid of leaving his private residence in ...
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