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Hostage-taking still rife in Chechnya

posted by zaina19 on September, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/27/2006 7:15 PM
September 27th 2006 · Prague Watchdog / Umalt Chadayev     
Hostage-taking still rife in Chechnya

By Umalt Chadayev

CHECHNYA - The practice of taking hostage the close relatives of members of armed guerrilla units still continues in Chechnya. On September 22 representatives of the law-enforcement agencies abducted from a house in the 8th precinct in Grozny's Staropromyslovsky district a young man whose brother left in secret to join the guerrillas several months ago.

"About three months ago, when many of the republic’s residents, mainly young men, set off en masse to worship at the grave of the mother of Kunta-Hadji in Vedensky district (Kunta-Hadji Kishiyev, the founder of one of the Sufi movements in nineteenth century Chechnya, is one of Chechnya’s most revered ustazy, i.e., saints), three lads from our area also left there. But they didn’t return,” says 47-year-old Kheda, one of ...
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Ingush Puppet Policemen Torture Chechen Refugees

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/24/2006 6:49 AM
Ingush Puppet Policemen Torture Chechen Refugees
Publication time: 23 September 2006, 20:39

Ingush puppet police detained a Chechen refugee, Imran Dukhidov, on September 15 in Nazran, the capital of the Russian-occupied Caucasian Muslim state of Ingushetia. He was severely beaten there and forced to sign a "confession" that he possessed a sack with drugs. The puppet policemen explained to him that they needed it in order to report to their Russian masters that they fight local drug dealers. Human rights activists sent their usual letter of protest to international community, including the UN and the Council of Europe, which was as usual set aside.

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Kondopoga Chechens Move Out

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN Nicknamelove_caucasus  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/24/2006 3:39 PM

Monday, September 25, 2006

Kondopoga Chechens Move Out
By Carl Schreck
Staff Writer

Some 50 Chechens who fled ethnic violence in the northwestern industrial town of Kondopoga have begun to leave the summer camp near Petrozavodsk, the Karelian capital, where they have been living for three weeks.

Hamzat Magamadov, a representative of the group living at the Aino summer camp, said last Friday that the families were deciding whether to return to their homes in Kondopoga or to move elsewhere.

Magamadov denied reports Friday that the Chechens were being evicted from the two-story dormitory on Lake Lososinnoye, where they were put under police protection after ethnic Russians attacked and looted Kondopoga businesses, prompting most of the several hundred natives of the Caucasus living in the town to flee.

"We have met with local and regional officials and expressed our concerns. Now the families are deciding where they want to ...
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Refugee Camp Display Reminds of the Fate of Chechen Children

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/17/2006 12:25 AM
Refugee Camp Display Reminds of the Fate of Chechen Children
Publication time: 16 September 2006, 18:13

A refugee camp, complete with emergency food, portable medical care and makeshift latrines, opened in Central Park in New York City on Friday, September 15.  Missing from the tent encampment were an estimated 33 million refugees around the world whom war, natural disasters and politics have forced out of their homes.

Medecins Sans Frontieres, as it was called by the French doctors who founded it in 1971, erected the 8,000-square-foot display camp in the heart of the Manhattan park as part of a U.S. tour showing how people live after fleeing conflict.

Under a steady rain in Central Park, the dozen tents and shacks sitting on a soggy hilltop offered just a glimpse of the refugees' dismal, dangerous lives. But the human faces in photos assembled for the exhibit spoke ...
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Deadly fight involving ethnic groups raises fears of ethnic violence in Russia

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/16/2006 12:28 AM
Deadly fight involving ethnic groups raises fears of ethnic violence in Russia
September 15, 2006 - 8:17pm
World News

MOSCOW (AP) - Fighting involving ethnic Armenians and others in a Volga River town left one person dead and at least three injured this week, officials and news reports said Friday, fuelling fears of a rise of ethnic violence across Russia.
The violence came about a week after clashes and rioting targeting Chechens in the northern town of Kondopoga left two people dead and underlined the potentially explosive tension between ethnic Russians and often darker-skinned people from the Caucasus and Central Asia, in some cases migrants.
One ethnic Russian man was killed and three were injured in a brawl with ethnic Armenians at a cafe in the town of Volsk early Sunday, said Alexei Yegorov, police spokesman in the Saratov region, where the town is located.
Yegorov ...
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