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HRW: Russia: Probe Official Role in Rights Defender’s Murder

posted by eagle on August, 2009 as Human Rights

Russia: Probe Official Role in Rights Defender’s Murder

Chechnya Government Officials Should Have No Part in Investigation
August 1, 2009

President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia should ensure that the investigation into the murder of the human rights defender Natalia Estemirova fully examines the possibility of official involvement, Human Rights Watch said today.

In a July 27, 2009 letter, Human Rights Watch urged Medvedev him to ensure that "all avenues of investigation will be pursued."

Medvedev's appointment of Russia's top federal investigator to lead the investigation was a positive step, Human Rights Watch said. But Medvedev's remarks at a news conference in Munich on July 16 that allegations of official involvement in Estemirova's murder are "primitive and unacceptable to the government" are a cause for concern.

"There are solid grounds for suspecting official involvement in Estemirova's murder," said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. "Dismissing the possibility of official involvement suggests that political limits have been ...

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Prague Watchdog: The Refugees' Cannon

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

August 2nd 2009 · Prague Watchdog / Rashid Bogatyrev.  ALSO AVAILABLE IN: RUSSIAN 

The refugees' cannon

By Rashid Bogatyrev, special to Prague Watchdog

I am not the first Ingush who has consciously and deliberately chosen to live outside his homeland, and I don’t think  I will be the last. After being accepted by a Scandinavian country and sent to a refugee camp there, I found myself in a rather unusual situation.

The refugee camp proved to be a former World War II prisoner of war camp. From the end of the war until 2001 it was used as a military base. Nowadays it houses, in relative comfort, asylum seekers from abroad: more than 15,000 have entered the country since the start of the present year. The camp consists of several blocks of living quarters, administrative buildings and countless hangars and storage facilities left over from the war.

Life in the refugee camp was somewhere between a spell in some Caucasian ...

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