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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/14/2007 3:54 PM Protest rally by 'Mothers of Dagestan' crashed in Shamilkala Publication time: 13 August 2007, 21:01 On August 10, 2007 in Shamilkala (former Makhachkala) personnel of security servi

posted by zaina19 on August, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/14/2007 3:54 PM
Protest rally by 'Mothers of Dagestan' crashed in Shamilkala
Publication time: 13 August 2007, 21:01

On August 10, 2007 in Shamilkala (former Makhachkala) personnel of security services crashed a protest demonstration organized by relatives of disappeared people. Several participants of the demonstration were beaten.

Termless protest action was organized by members of public movement "Mothers of Dagestan", the notification about the event, according to the activists, was sent in advance, according to law.

The protest action started at 2 p.m. About 30 women, who gathered at the Government building demanded from the authorities to establish the whereabouts of their relatives, young men who disappeared in Dagestan during the last several months. "Mothers" claim that their children were abducted by personnel of security services.

At around 5 p.m. two officers (According to "Mothers" - in the rank of semi-colonel) said that the demonstration was not sanctioned. Svetlana Isaeva, ...
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Advocates ask to send Khudyakov-Arakcheev's case to Military Prosecutor's Office for additional investigation

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/9/2007 6:19 PM

Advocates ask to send Khudyakov-Arakcheev's case to Military Prosecutor's Office for additional investigation

At the session of the North-Caucasian Regional Military Court on the case of two officers (Evgeniy Khudyakov and Sergey Arakcheev), accused of murdering peaceful Chechens, the defendants' advocates have petitioned about sending the case to the Military Prosecutor's Office for additional investigation.

The "Interfax" reports that Dmitri Agranovskiy, Sergey Arakcheev's advocate, explained that the motive for this petition was in numerous violations revealed in the course of the court proceedings.

The "Caucasian Knot" reports that today in the course of the hearing of the case, the judge, after having made a number of warnings, has removed Alexei Dulimov, Arakcheev's advocate, away from the courtroom. Dmitri Agranovskiy, Arakcheev's second advocate, has explained that, in his opinion, the advocate was sent off not because of his incorrect behaviour, but because of ...
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Elena Liptser: Trepashkin's life is in danger

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/11/2007 3:16 AM

Elena Liptser: Trepashkin's life is in danger

The health of ex-FSB officer Mikhail Trepashkin, who is serving his four-year punishment for disclosure of state secrets, has seriously aggravated recently.

Elena Liptser, Trepashkin's advocate, reports that "he had two most severe attacks during which he was close to death," the "Echo Moskvy" Radio reports.

At the same time, in the advocate's words, Trepashkin "does not receive the required medication and normal treatment". Ms Liptser has added that the health problems of M. Trepashkin, who is suffering from bronchial asthma with allergic component, are aggravated by the chemical enterprise, located close to the colony in Nizhni Tagil, where he is serving his term.

See earlier reports: "Trepashkin has adjudged three thousand euros from Russia."

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Keilin's defence may not appeal against extension of his custody

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/7/2007 2:49 PM

Keilin's defence may not appeal against extension of his custody

Today, Roman Belan, advocate of Andrei Keilin, who was detained on accusation of murdering two students in Stavropol, has informed the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that he will possibly not appeal against the extension of the custody term for his client, since the case is of political character.

According to the advocate, the Leninskiy District Court of the city of Stavropol has extended by one month more Andrei Keilin's custody, due to expire on August 6, under the petition of the Stavropol Territorial Public Prosecutor's Office, which had justified the need of extension by the necessity to hold a number of additional examinations.

"I cannot say that the eyewitnesses who had identified Keilin as a culprit gave up their evidences. To be more precise, one of the witnesses said that he had got ...
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All defendants in the case of murder of anti-fascist Timur Kacharava found guilty

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/7/2007 3:13 PM

All defendants in the case of murder of anti-fascist Timur Kacharava found guilty

Today, the St-Petersburg jury court has passed a verdict on the case of murder of Timur Kacharava, student and anti-fascist, and assault on his friend Maxim Zghibay in November 2005.

Andrei Shabalin charged with the murder of T. Kacharava has been found guilty of murder of T. Kacharava, attempted murder of M. Zghibay and provoking hatred or enmity on the basis of race or origin and hooliganism, reports "Interfax".

"Echo Peterburga" reports that he faces up to 25 years of imprisonment.

The jury of St-Petersburg city court have found all defendants in the case guilty. However, in the opinion of the jury, many defendants deserve leniency, reports Fontanka.Ru.

The trial on the case of Timur Kacharava lasted more than two months. Seven defendants were tried (three of them are underage, and, ...
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