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JULY 2007

"Voice of Beslan": Beslan residents' complaint to the European Court is legally justified

posted by zaina19 on July, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/4/2007 3:15 AM

"Voice of Beslan": Beslan residents' complaint to the European Court is legally justified

The relatives of the victims of the Beslan terror act have applied for help to the European Court. The applications were signed by 89 victims. On June 27, Ella Kesaeva, representative of the Public Organization "Voice of Beslan," told about it to the IA REGNUM correspondent:

"We have passed through all judicial instances of North Ossetia and now in search of the truth are addressing the international court. We think that Russia has breached three Articles of the European Convention on Human Rights (Article 2, providing the right to life, Article 6 (right to objective investigation) and Article 13 (right to effective judicial defence)).

"The document included the results of our own investigation, which are completely opposite to the official version of the prosecutor's office. It refers to responsibility ...
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Police break up Borozdinovsk refugee demonstration

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/2/2007 6:46 AM
2.7.2007 12:42 MSK
Police break up Borozdinovsk refugee demonstration
RUSSIA, Daghestan. The For Human Rights movement reported on June 28 that on June 27, the police broke up a demonstration held by former inhabitants of the Cossack village of Borozdinovsk, who now live in the Nadezhda camp in the Kizlyar region of Daghestan. An activist of the Mothers of Borozdinovsk Committee of Kizlyar, Suduz Fakhrudinova, was severely beaten and sentenced to five days of administrative arrest "for resisting the police".

The Kurmagamedovy brothers—Gadzhimurat and Shamil—received the same sentence. They are all being held in the City Internal Affairs Division of Kizlyar. For Human Rights noted in their communication that the true reason for their sentences was their attempt to film the police breakup of the protest action on their cell phones.

The coordinators of the Organizing Committee of the Conference of Public Organizations on the Situation ...
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Serious violations of prisoners’ rights in Kaluga province

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/2/2007 6:50 AM
2.7.2007 12:45 MSK
Serious violations of prisoners’ rights in Kaluga province
RUSSIA, Moscow. The Committee For Civil Liberties received a June 20 web communication concerning the violation of prisoners' rights in the FGU IR 55/3 GUFSIN camp in the Tovarkovo village in the Kaluga province of Russia. On June 27, the committee warned of dire consequences for prisoners’ lives and health.

The statement, directed to Yuri Kalinin, Director of the Russian Federal Service for the Performance of Punishments, in the procuratorship of the Kaluga province, authorized along the rights of man in Russia, the chairman of committee "for the civil liberties" Andrey Babushkin notes: "In connection with the incapacity of the administration to solve a number of problematic questions relative to the rights and responsibilities of the prisoners in this establishment, from 18 May, 2007, into the colony are introduced special units. Are abolished prolonged ...
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Reporters, CPJ brief Congressional caucus on dangers facing Russian journalists

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/3/2007 10:20 AM
02 07 2007
Reporters, CPJ brief Congressional caucus on dangers facing Russian journalists

Editor’s note: The original text of this alert was altered in paragraph seven to correct the status of Bagrov and Tlisova in the United States.

Washington, June 28, 2007—Two exiled Russian journalists and a CPJ representative told the Congressional Human Rights Caucus today about widespread impunity in journalist murders in Russia and the perils facing independent journalists who cover the volatile North Caucasus.

The delegation voiced its deep concern about the growing number of critical Russian journalists murdered, attacked and threatened in retaliation for their work—and the failure of Russian authorities to apprehend and punish those responsible. Reporters Yuri Bagrov and Fatima Tlisova, who were forced to leave Russia after repeated threats, joined CPJ Europe and Central Asia Program Coordinator Nina Ognianova in making the presentation.

“Every death of a journalist in the line ...
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Stomakhin transferred to Nizhni Novgorod pre-trial prison

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/3/2007 12:38 PM

Stomakhin transferred to Nizhni Novgorod pre-trial prison

Boris Stomakhin, author of the "Caucasus-Center" site, convicted for instigating racial hostility and extremism, has been transferred from Moscow to Nizhni Novgorod pre-trial prison.

"Boris' state of health is very bad. His back aches - broken backbone. His leg broken at the time of arrest aches. He has a toothache. On June 10, he fainted during a heart attack caused by an old cardio-vascular disease. He is provided virtually no medical assistance. The parcels which Nizhni Novgorod human rights activists tried to send him were not accepted," relates Boris Stomakhin's mother.

As the "Caucasian Knot" reported earlier, on May 23, 2007, Moscow city court upheld the ruling (passed on November 20, 2006) with regard to Boris Stomakhin, chief editor of the "Radical Politics" bulletin, convicted to 5 years of imprisonment to be served in an ...
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