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JULY 2007

The IOC has forgotten that its purpose is "building a better world"

posted by zaina19 on July, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/9/2007 11:09 PM
9.7.2007 12:51 MSK
The IOC has forgotten that its purpose is "building a better world"
RUSSIA,Sochi. In supporting Sochi’s bid to hold the 2014 Winter Olympics, the International Olympic Committee has demonstrated that the protection of nature is not a real priority, notes the organization "Ecological Watch in the North Caucasus" in a communication of July 5.

The communication further stated: "On July 4, 2007, the International Olympic Committee session designated Sochi as the host city for the Winter Olympic Games in 2014.

This decision was taken despite the fact that public ecological organizations, both Russian and international, have informed the IOC about serious the ecological consequences of holding the Olympic Games in Sochi.

No Olympic Games in history have carried such serious threats to wildlife and to biological diversity. Never in the history of these games, have all sport facilities been planned in valuable natural territories, ...
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Founders of the "Educated Media" declare self-liquidation

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/10/2007 11:11 AM

Founders of the "Educated Media" declare self-liquidation

Today, the "Educated Media" Foundation, which is the assignee of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization (ANCO) "Internews," has declared its self-liquidation, Radio Liberty broadcasts.

Alexei Simonov, acting Chairman of the Foundation and head of the liquidating commission, President of the Foundation for Defence of Glasnost, has emphasized in his interview to the "Interfax" Agency that the liquidation decision was made because of the complicated situation, now developed around the Foundation. At the same time, he did not exclude creation of a new similar organization in due course of time.

The "Caucasian Knot" has already reported that on April 18, within the criminal case against Manana Aslamazyan, accused of money contraband, documents and computers were confiscated from the office of the "Educated Media" Foundation.

On June 21, the Golovinskiy District Court of Moscow found this confiscation legal, and ...
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CPJ concerned about health of jailed editor

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/5/2007 7:13 AM

CPJ concerned about health of jailed editor

The Committee to Protect Journalists expressed concern today about the health and well-being of Boris Stomakhin, editor of the small Moscow monthly Radikalnaya Politika (Radical Politics), who has been imprisoned for the past 15 months. On June 25, Stomakhin was transferred from a Moscow prison to a prison in the city of Nizhny Novgorod, 410 kilometers (255 miles) southeast of the capital. Officials did not tell Stomakhin, his family, or defense counsel what prompted the transfer or how long it would last, local press reports said. Stomakhin uses a cane to walk because of a fractured spine and a knee injury, according to his lawyer, Karen Nersisian, who spoke with CPJ today.

"We are concerned about Boris Stomakhin's health and the level of medical care available to him in prison," CPJ Executive Director Joel ...
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Prosecutor's office finds no violations in dispersal of the "Disagreement March" in Moscow

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/6/2007 7:38 AM

Prosecutor's office finds no violations in dispersal of the "Disagreement March" in Moscow

The Moscow City Prosecutor's Office has found no excess of official powers by militiamen at dispersal of the "Disagreement March" on April 14, and refused to initiate any criminal cases. Today, an answer has arrived from the City Prosecutor's Office running that "there were no violations at detention and bringing people to territorial Interior Departments (OVDs)," the Public Movement "For Human Rights" reports.

The answer of the City Prosecutor's Office states that in total administrative offence protocols were drawn up on 357 citizens.

We remind you that a broad-scale "Disagreement March" took place in Moscow on April 14, 2007, and on April 15, a similar action was held in St Petersburg. Law enforcement bodies applied force at dispersal of the demonstrations. According to the organizers of the action, some ...
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State Duma toughens punishment for extremism

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/6/2007 7:42 AM

State Duma toughens punishment for extremism

On July 4, the State Duma approved in the second reading amendments to the Law "On Counteracting Extremist Activities," to the Criminal Code and a number of other legislative acts.

After debates in the first reading, the bill caused dissatisfaction of the public, and the text of the amendments "was rewritten by 80 percent."

In particular, the norm that strengthened the punishment for participation in mass disorders from 8 to 12 years of imprisonment was dropped out of the bill, and in Article "public justification of extremism," the word "extremism" was replaced by "terrorism."

Gennady Gudkov, a member of the fraction "Fair Russia," is concerned with the fact that now, because of the new amendments, "it will be possible to tap not only suspects of committing average gravity crimes, which make the majority in the Criminal Code, ...
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