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JULY 2006

NGOs in Chechnya Told to Report to Police, FSB

posted by zaina19 on July, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/23/2006 4:55 PM

Monday, July 24, 2006

NGOs in Chechnya Told to Report to Police, FSB
By Oliver Bullough

The Interior Ministry has slapped restrictions on aid workers in Chechnya, adding to difficulties posed by new rules that require nongovernmental organizations to produce paperwork such as the death certificates of founding members.

The new rules mean NGOs must obtain approval from the security services for their staff movements weeks in advance and report to police on their trips when they leave Chechnya.

"This is terrible. We are checking what these regulations are. They will make work impossible," said a worker at one foreign NGO active in Chechnya, who asked not to be identified.

Meanwhile, NGOs have until mid-October to register under a new law, which sharply increased state monitoring of foreign and local organizations and sparked controversy when rushed through the parliament last year.

NGOs active in the North Caucasus were diverting ...
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Environmental situation in Grozny “a serious health threat”

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/23/2006 5:37 PM
July 22nd 2006 · Prague Watchdog / Samira Lamayeva     
Environmental situation in Grozny “a serious health threat”

By Samira Lamayeva

GROZNY, Chechnya – During the Soviet era, Grozny was 17th on the list of the 100 most polluted and environmentally damaged places in the country. This was partly due to emissions from oil- and chemical-processing plants.

Despite the fact that these plants are no longer operational, the environmental situation in the republic, and the capital in particular, is still critical. As a result of two wars, some 37,000 tons of oil have burned, with 150 million cubic meters of gas escaping into the atmosphere.

The poor environmental situation, combined with stressful living conditions,  has resulted in various phenomena, including a 47% increase in cancer diagnoses in the last year.  In addition, the death rate among newborns is among the highest in Russia: in ...
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2 Russians Detained in Belarus for Anti-Governmental Protests

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/23/2006 7:55 PM

Created: 23.07.2006

2 Russians Detained in Belarus for Anti-Governmental Protests


Two Russian citizens have been detained in Belarus capital Minsk for unsanctioned street protests against the existing regimes in Russia and Belarus.

Two young men, activist of the Oborona (Defense) and another unnamed pro-democracy youth movement strode out into the Minsk central square Saturday holding posters that called for change of authorities in Russia and Belarus.

A Belarus citizen who took part in the action has been detained too, reports.

This U.S. and EU have imposed sanctions on Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko and his government for human rights abuses, corruption and assaults on democracy, as well as the “fraudulent” presidential election.

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NGOs Call G8 Summit an Opportunity Lost

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/19/2006 9:31 AM

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

NGOs Call G8 Summit an Opportunity Lost
By Nabi Abdullaev
Staff Writer

U.S. President George W. Bush met the heads of leading nongovernmental organizations. German Chancellor Angela Merkel singled out NGOs as an issue that worried her. British Prime Minister Tony Blair's wife offered legal aid.

Western leaders took turns at the G8 summit showing support for Russian civil society. Yet NGO leaders expressed skepticism Tuesday that the high-profile gestures of support would convince the Kremlin to ease tough new rules regulating their activities.

"I have no hope in the West's ability to reverse the Kremlin-led crackdown on NGOs," said Irina Yasina, deputy head of Open Russia, the philanthropic foundation set up by jailed Yukos founder Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

Moreover, given authorities' nervousness about any perceived ...
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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 7/19/2006 10:01 AM 19.7.2006 12:52 MSK Rustam Baibekov, the man who was shot in the face by a policeman, is demanding a million rubles from the state Rustam Baibekov Rustam Baibekov RUSSIA, Moscow. On

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/19/2006 10:01 AM
19.7.2006 12:52 MSK
Rustam Baibekov, the man who was shot in the face by a policeman, is demanding a million rubles from the state
Rustam Baibekov
Rustam Baibekov
RUSSIA, Moscow. On July 31 Moscow’s Zamoskvoretskiy district court will start hearing a civil suit demanding compensation of the moral damages from the Russian Ministry of Finance. According to the announcement made on July 17 by the foundation “Obschestvenniy Verdict” (“Society’s Verdict”), Rustam Baibekov, the man who was shot in the face by a policeman, is demanding a million rubles from the state.

Lawyer Abusupian Gaitaev, supported by the human rights foundation “Obschestvenniy Verdict” is assisting the plaintiff.

Two years ago a 20 year old Rustam Baibekov and his friend tried to gain entrance to the metro station “Sokolniki” using the same ticket. Sergeant of the First police department of Moscow Metro System Boris Kostruba apprehended Mr. Baibekov – the ...
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