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JUNE 2007

Marina Litvinovich detained in St. Petersburg

posted by zaina19 on June, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/6/2007 12:40 PM
6.6.2007 08:42 MSK
Marina Litvinovich detained in St. Petersburg
RUSSIA, Saint Petersburg. On the morning of June 4, in St. Petersburg, at Moscow Station, Gary Kasparov's assistant, Marina Litvinovich, was detained and taken to a police station, reported Executive Director of the United Civil Front (OGF) Denis Bilunov. According to Litvinovich, she was locked in her sleeping compartment an hour prior to the arrival of the train from Moscow.

She was told she was on a " list for detention as an active participant in the March of Dissenters". Litvinovich was later released.

She had gone to St. Petersburg to testify in court on an administrative matter relating to the Petersburg "March of Dissenters" and Denis Bilunov. He was accused of "cursing in a public place".
"My detention means that participation in the March of Dissenters protest actions is being treated as a crime by law-enforcement agencies ...
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Nalchik Remains Cremated

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/7/2007 3:13 PM
Nalchik Remains Cremated
Publication time: 7 June 2007, 18:57
Authorities have cremated the bodies of dozens of suspected "militants" killed in a 2005 attack on government buildings in Nalchik, according to a document obtained Wednesday, adding to controversy over a law that allows the government to withhold the remains of terror suspects.

At least 139 people died in the bold daytime assault on law enforcement and government offices in the capital of the Kabardino-Balkaria republic, including 95 suspected attackers, according to official tallies.

According to the Chechen side 37 Mujahideen were martyred in Nalchik operation.

Officials have refused to release the bodies to their relatives, citing a law forbidding the burial of suspected terrorists. News of the cremations was likely to inflame further anger among relatives,
who demanded the return of their loved ones' bodies in prolonged protests in Nalchik.

A group of relatives last year lodged a complaint ...
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Russian Opposition To Hold Rally In St. Petersburg

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/8/2007 10:21 AM
Friday, June 8, 2007

Russian Opposition To Hold Rally In St. Petersburg

Russia - March of Dissent in Moscow, 14Apr2007
Previous March of Dissent events have seen a heavy police presence
June 8, 2007 (RFE/RL) -- The opposition group Other Russia is due to hold a March of Dissent demonstration in St. Petersburg on June 9 to coincide with an international economic forum in the city.

Opposition leader Garry Kasparov says local officials have approved the rally.

Kasparov says that despite the approval he is concerned about possible "provocations" from police and pro-Kremlin youth groups.

Speaking to RFE/RL on the sidelines of a conference in Prague this week, Kasparov said he believes that mounting Western criticism led to the authorities approving the demonstration.

"They accepted the rally, they negotiated with us, they gave us the alternative route and it is in the center. But we don't know what kind of ...
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.Ryazan student threatened with expulsion for participating in "Another Russia" march

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/9/2007 7:53 AM
8.6.2007 10:19 MSK
.Ryazan student threatened with expulsion for participating in "Another Russia" march
Aleksandr Fateyev
Aleksandr Fateyev
RUSSIA, Ryazan. A student in the third year at the Ryazan College of Electronics, Darya Gunina, may be expelled from the educational institution for participating in an action of the oppositional coalition "Another Russia", reported the United Civil Front press-service of the Ryazansk department of "Another of Russia".

According to Darya, on June 6 she was called to meet with the director of the college, Aleksandr Fateyev, and he reported to her that "people from the authorities" had been to see him. According to Fateyev, they described Gunina as an activist of "Another of Russia" and supporter of the forbidden party of Eduard Limonov. The Director told her: " such people are not necessary to us". He is now preparing an order to expel Darya Gunina.

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News ...
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Vladimir Putin refuses to show mercy for Igor Sutyagin and Valentin Danilov

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/9/2007 7:56 AM
8.6.2007 10:22 MSK
Vladimir Putin refuses to show mercy for Igor Sutyagin and Valentin Danilov
RUSSIA, Moscow. According to information obtained from the office of the President of Russia, several days ago the President signed documents refusing to pardon scientists Igor Sutyagin and Valentin Danilov. The document has already been sent to their prisons. Sutyagin was sentenced to 15 years, and Danilov to 13 years, on the charge of high treason.

Attorneys for the scientists and human rights activists emphasize that the charges against Sutyagin and Danilov were fabricated.

An All-Russian Civil Congress communication of June 6 noted that the Public Committee for the Protection of Scientists sent a petition asking for the scientists pardon. The petition was signed by the following: Vitaly Ginsburg, Nobel prize winner, and academic at RAN (Russian Academy Of Science); Yuri Ryzhov, academic RAN; Ludmila Alekseyeva, Chairman of the Moscow Helsinki ...
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