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JUNE 2009

Prague Watchdog: The Art Of Digestion

posted by eagle on June, 2009 as Human Rights

June 5th 2009 · Prague Watchdog / Solt-Murad Epindiyev · ALSO AVAILABLE IN: RUSSIAN 

The art of digestion

By Solt-Murad Epindiyev, special to Prague Watchdog

We – refugees from the North Caucasus, Chechnya, and Ingushetia – arrived in Europe as ambassadors of our peoples and representatives of our motherland. At home, thousands of kilometres from Vienna, Oslo or Berlin, there were mop-ups, abductions, murders, the daily horror of the continuing war. We found ourselves in a world that was totally different, one that offered us hospitality, opened its doors to us and gave us peace and prosperity.

What this world saw, however, was rather different from the proud and freedom-loving rebels Europe’s journalists had portrayed us as. Europe was confronted by a horde of aggressive, ambitious, and largely uncivilized newcomers from the remote Russian provinces who did not want to accept the laws of European life.

Increasingly now we figure in the media’s crime reports. We are a subject ...

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FINROSFORUM: Drop Charges Against Russian Art Curators

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Drop Charges against Russian Art Curators

Posted on the June 4th, 2009 under Civic ActionSociety by Ville Ropponen

In Moscow, Yury Samodurov, a human rights activist, and Andrey Yerofeyev, a museum curator, are facing criminal prosecution for organizing an exhibition entitled “Forbidden Art 2006″ at the Andrei Sakharov Museum.

In June 2007, an ultranationalist religious organization, Narodny Sobor, submitted a formal complaint about the exhibition to the public prosecutor’s office, which brought charges against Samodurov and Yerofeyev for inciting religious and ethnic hatred under article 282 of the Penal Code.

The two men could be sentenced to up to five years imprisonment. The Tagansky District Court in Moscow is scheduled to resume hearing the case behind closed doors on June 5, 2009.

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FINROSFORUM: Russia: Prosecute Rights Violations In North Caucasus

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Russia: Prosecute Rights Violations in North Caucasus

Posted on the June 4th, 2009 under ChechnyaHuman RightsPress Release by Mikael Storsjö

European Court Has Issued 104 Rulings Against Moscow Over Killings, Other Attacks

(Moscow) - The number of European Court of Human Rights judgments holding Russia responsible for serious violations of human rights in Chechnya has surpassed 100, but the government has failed to take appropriate steps to remedy them, Human Rights Watch, the Memorial Human Rights Center, and Russian Justice Initiative said today.

The judgments condemn Russia for its refusal to investigate violations properly and failure to hold perpetrators accountable, including for such grave violations as extrajudicial executions, enforced disappearances and torture. At a round of human rights consultations between the European Union and the Russian Federation on May 26, 2009, both sides agreed that “judgments of the European Court of Human Rights shall be implemented fully and in a timely manner.”

“Over and over again, the court has told Russia ...

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FINROSFORUM: Demonstrators Greet Putin In Helsinki

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Demonstrators greet Putin in Helsinki

Posted on the June 3rd, 2009 under ChechnyaCivic ActionForeign PolicyHuman RightsPublic EventPutin,Russian Opposition by Kerkko Paananen

Demonstrators: “Finland needs to press Putin on human rights”

A joint demonstration of the Finnish-Russian Civic Forum and Amnesty International greeted Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on 3 June 2009. The demonstrators reminded Putin of the situation of political prisoners and freedom of speech in Russia.

The demonstrators demanded that Finnish Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen and President Tarja Halonen condemn the repeated violations of human rights in Russia. Finland, as a member of the EU, needs to exert more pressure on Russia on human rights.

“We call on the Finnish leadership to summon up its courage and demand that Russia end human rights violations and government-sanctioned violence,” said Ulla Hakanen and Salla Pyykkönen, members of Amnesty’s Russian coordinating group.

“The situation of political prisoners in Russia is reminiscent of the Soviet Union in the 1980s, ...

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