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JUNE 2010

The Other Russia: Medics Charged In Vera Trifonova’s Death

posted by eagle on June, 2010 as Human Rights

Medics Charged in Vera Trifonova’s Death

In the most recent development in the case of deceased Moscow businesswoman Vera Trifonova, investigators say that criminal charges have been filed against medical workers who operated on the woman shortly before her death.

Anatoly Bagmet, head of the investigative department of the Moscow Prosecutor’s Investigative Committee (Moscow SKP), told Interfax on June 11 that an unspecified number of medics are being charged with negligent homicide. They each face up to three years in prison if convicted.

Earlier in the day, Bagmet had stated that Trifonova’s death in the Matrosskaya Tishina pretrial detention facility this past April, which drew widespread comparisons to the scandalous death of Hermitage Capital Management lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, was the result of a medical error. An investigation, he said, had found that medics had forgotten to remove a catheter from the woman’s leg after an operation, which created a blood clot ...

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The Other Russia: Amnesty International: Don’t Forget Russia’s Atrocities

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Amnesty International: Don’t Forget Russia’s Atrocities

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s arrival in Paris last week for an official visit was accompanied, for many, by an unusual sight: a video clip projected onto the facades of several houses in a bustling tourist area showed a set of Russian matryoshka dolls smeared with blood, concluding with the phrase: "We must not allow Russia’s charm to let us forget its atrocities.”

The video was created by the French branch of Amnesty International, a human rights organization that has reported on rights violations in Russia numerous times. The Belarusian human rights group Charter’97 reported today that 30 members of the organization had also attempted to project the video onto the facade of the Russian embassy. Upon arriving, however, they were met by police and told not to bother nearby residents by playing the clip. The group was then forced to disperse.

Amnesty International France has also set ...

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The Other Russia: Strategy 31 Organizers Turn Down Gov’t Proposal

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Strategy 31 Organizers Turn Down Gov’t Proposal

Organizers of the Strategy 31 opposition rallies have turned down a government proposal to settle an ongoing dispute between the Moscow city authorities and the protesters, who continue to insist on their constitutional right to protest where they choose.

In a column published today on, Strategy 31 co-organizer Eduard Limonov said that two people who said that Russian President Dmitri Medvedev had charged them with "settling the conflict on Triumfalnaya” met with him and co-organizers Lyudmila Alexeyeva and Konstantin Kosyakin the day after police detained about 170 activists at their May 31 event. The rally, held on Moscow’s central Triumfalnaya Square, had been dedicated to the defense of the constitutional right to free assembly and had not been sanctioned by city authorities.

At the meeting, said Limonov, the two government representatives proposed the following plan: Strategy 31 organizers would be given permission ...

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NatPress: Aziz Liev is beaten by militia employees in Kabardino-Balkaria

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Aziz Liev is beaten by militia employees in Kabardino-Balkaria

16 June 2010 – 08:26 pm – NatPress

In Kabardino-Balkaria militia employees bashed Aziz Liev, horse herd wrangler of the leader of the Khasa movement Ibraghim Yaganov. He was tortured during two days in order to state evidence against his chief who for these days was off to the mountains to rotate his another horse herd wrangler. NatPress was informed about that by Aslan Beshtoev, chairman of "Adyghe Khasa” of Abkhazia who on his way from Nalchik back to Abkhazia stayed for some time in Maykop.

"For now, Beshtoev told, Liev has been examined by medical experts and, as far as I know, they also got blood samples from the isolator where he had been detained. Maybe they had already instituted a criminal proceeding as I. Yaganov is engaged in that issue. Militia employees of Nartanovsky department of the ministry of inner affairs Magov and ex-employee of Cheghemsky area militia department Cheghemov ...

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Yahoo News: Watchdog Says France Should Press Putin On Rights

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Watchdog says France should press Putin on rights


By The Associated Press

PARIS - Human rights activists say fighting racism and torture in Russia should be on the agenda of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's visit to France, a trip more likely to focus on gas pipelines and Iran sanctions.

Amnesty International says French leaders should raise concerns about oppression of journalists and others who criticize authorities in Russia, notably in and around Chechnya. Amnesty's Genevieve Garrigos criticized what she called "a climate of general impunity."

Putin arrives in France on Thursday evening for talks with Prime Minister Francois Fillon. Putin meets President Nicolas Sarkozy, former President Jacques Chirac and the head of oil company Total SA on Friday.

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