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MAY 2009

Window On Eurasia: Moscow Increasingly Represses Civil Society, Rights Activist Says

posted by eagle on May, 2009 as Human Rights


Window on Eurasia: Moscow Increasingly Represses Civil Society, Rights Activist Says

Paul Goble

Vienna, May 27 – The Russian government, using both its own structures and others allied with it, is repressing civil society by means of murders, beatings and the fabrication of criminal and administrative cases, according to Lev Ponomaryev, a leading human rights activist.
In a detailed article in today’s “Yezhednevny zhurnal,” Ponomaryev says that these attacks especially since the coming to power of Vladimir Putin in 2000 and the victories of the “so-called color revolutions in Ukraine and Georgia … not only at the political opposition but at any manifestation of independent civic positions” (
And consequently, it is no longer appropriate to talk about particular crimes, something that senior Russian officials routinely do and sometimes condemn in order to deflect responsibility from themselves, but rather to speak about a carefully orchestrated campaign to prevent the emergence of ...

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Expatica: European Rights Court Orders Moscow To Compensate Chechens

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

18/05/2009European rights court orders Moscow to compensate Chechens

The court, a branch of the Council of Europe, said that the village of Alleroy was "under the strict control" of Russian federal forces at the time, and that armed men moving freely around the village had to be agents of the State.

Strasbourg -- The European rights court ordered Russia to pay 90,000 euros (122,000 dollars) to the families of two men who were abducted or killed in their villages during Russian operations in Chechnya.

In the first case decided last week, the court awarded 10,000 euros to the mother and 25,000 euros to the wife of Aslanbek Khamidov, abducted from his home in Alleroy in October 2000 by armed men in uniform, who took him away in an armoured vehicle.

The court, a branch of the Council of Europe, said that the village of Alleroy was "under the strict control" of Russian federal forces ...

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European Court Orders Russia To Compensate Chechens

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

European Court Orders Russia To Compensate Chechens

May 15, 2009
STRASBOURG -- The European Court of Human Rights has ordered Russian authorities to pay financial compensation to two Chechen families.

RFE/RL's Russian Service reports that the court ruled that relatives of Aslanbek Khamidov should receive 35,000 euros.

Khamidov has been missing since October 2000, after armed assailants dressed in Russian military uniforms took him away from his family.

Russian authorities were also ordered to pay 52,500 euros to the relatives of Kazbek Taysumov.

Taysumov was killed as the result of an artillery bombardment of his village in September 2002. His wife and daughter were killed, too.

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Nieman presents Louis M. Lyons Award To Fatima Tlisova

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Nieman presents Louis M. Lyons Award to Fatima Tlisova

The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard will present the Louis M. Lyons Award for Conscience and Integrity in Journalism to current Nieman Fellow Fatima Tlisova Thursday (May 7).

As an investigative journalist, researcher, and expert on human rights issues in the North Caucasus region of Russia, Tlisova is being honored for courageous reporting in the face of severe intimidation and physical assaults. She has written extensively on abuses suffered during military operations in the area; torture and disappearances; corruption; Circassian nationalism; women’s rights; censorship; and the role of Islam in regional affairs. She also has led several training workshops for journalists in the North Caucuses and served as editor-in-chief of the North Caucasian bureau of the REGNUM News Agency for three years.

Tlisova has worked as a correspondent for a number of Russian newspapers such as Novaya Gazeta as well as international media, including the ...

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CK: Constitutional Court Would Not Consider The Complaint Of "Voice Of Beslan"

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Constitutional Court would not consider the complaint of "Voice of Beslan"

may 07 2009, 18:00

Russian Constitutional Court refused to consider the complaint lodged by the All-Russian Public Organization "Voice of Beslan", asking to recognize point 2 of Article 14 of the Federal Law contradicting to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

"We filed a complaint to the Constitutional Court against the Federal Law, part 2, Article 14, which says that no negotiations shall be held in response to terrorists' political demands. We found this provision of the Law contradicts the Constitution, which guarantees life (part 1, Article 2), and asked to recognize this Law as contradictory to Russian Constitution, since it broke the right of Beslan hostages to life. We had addressed the Constitutional Court for four times. And now they made a decision to reject our complaint, since it fails to meet the requirements of the federal law of Constitution. This ...

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