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MAY 2005

Ukrainian Special Services are at FSB's beck and call?

posted by zaina19 on May, 2005 as Human Rights

May, 25, 2005

Ukrainian Special Services are at FSB's beck and call?

At about 10 p.m. on 4 May, a citizen of Japan Junsei Terasawa, the Buddhist monk and well-known peacekeeper, was detained at the Mostitska-2 frontier railroad crossing.

Mr. Terasawa was making his way from Warsaw to Kiev by train, and he had a valid exit visa to Ukraine . The frontier guards headed by the chief of the duty detail Senior Lieutenant Oleg Nikolayevich Pyts made him get off the train, having referred to the instruction of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU).

Referring to this instruction, the Junsei Terasawa's visa to Ukraine was annulled, and a seal appeared in his passport forbidding him the country for five years.

After that Mr. Junsei Terasawa was deported to Poland .

As is known, the name of Mr. Terassawa is registered in the black-list of the FSB, probably, owing to the fact that he was an ...
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The Russian-Chechen Friendship Society under threat

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/28/2005 1:57 AM

The Russian-Chechen Friendship Society under threat

The Russian-Chechen Friendship Society (RCFS) is a non-governmental organization that monitors human rights violations in Chechnya and other parts of the North Caucasus, producing daily press releases on "disappearances" and other serious human rights violations. The Society, which has its head office in Nizhnii Novgorod, and another office in the North Caucasus, also produces the Pravo-zashchita newspaper ('Rights Protection') jointly with the Nizhnii Novgorod Human Rights Society.

Amnesty International is concerned by an apparent campaign of harassment and prosecution of the RCFS coordinated by the Russian authorities which seems to be in response to its work on human rights. Since 2000, when the organization was officially registered, there have been a number of cases of torture and ill-treatment, "disappearances" and alleged extrajudicial executions of members of the Society in the North Caucasus. In 2005, the campaign has extended ...
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A dangerous new agenda

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/28/2005 4:17 AM
A dangerous new agenda

Governments are betraying their promise of a world order based on human rights and are pursuing a dangerous new agenda, said Amnesty International today as it launched its annual assessment of global human rights.

Speaking at the launch of the Amnesty International Report 2005, the organization’s Secretary General Irene Khan said that governments had failed to show principled leadership and must be held to account.

«Governments are betraying their promises on human rights. A new agenda is in the making with the language of freedom and justice being used to pursue policies of fear and insecurity. This includes cynical attempts to redefine and sanitise torture," said Irene Khan.

This new agenda, combined with the indifference and paralysis of the international community, failed countless thousands of people in humanitarian crises and forgotten conflicts throughout 2004.

In Darfur, the Sudanese government generated a human rights ...
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Levko Lukyanenko, former dissident, awarded honour

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/26/2005 6:41 AM
21.4.2005 13:23 MSK
Levko Lukyanenko, former dissident, awarded honour
Levko Lukyanenko
Levko Lukyanenko
UKRAINE, Kiev (own corr). The president of the Ukraine, Viktor Yuschenko, has awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine to the former dissident and member of the Ukraine Helsinki Group, Levko Lukyanenko. This information was given today 20 April to the Prima News correspondent at the president’s administrative office.

At the start of the year 2000, the then president of the country, Leonid Kuchma, gave the same award to the former dissidents Mikola Rudenko, Ivan Dzyuba and Vyacheslav Chornovil (the last of the three posthumously). Lukyanenko was not honoured at the time, as he was in opposition to the Kuchma regime.

Lukyanenko was born in 1928. After graduating from the prestigious Moscow State University he worked as a propagandist for the Radehovsk branch of the CPSU in the Lvov region. In 1961 the Lvov regional ...
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'Gradual approach' for Meskhetians

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/27/2005 4:21 AM

'Gradual approach' for Meskhetians

Georgia will honour its commitments to the Council of Europe, including for the return of Meskhetian Turks deported from Georgia to their homeland, Georgia's Foreign Minister Salome Zourabichvili said at a press conference in Novosti news agency today.

Georgia has "moral obligations to Meskhetian Turks," Zourabichvili said. "These people were unjustly deported and we must provide them with an opportunity to return to their native parts," she emphasized.

However, the foreign minister believes "we all should understand Georgia has 300,000 refugees and displaced persons, there are certain social and economic conditions," and, therefore, "this issue should not be expected to be settled at once."

"There is a need for a gradual approach, but this does not change Georgia's obligations to Meskhetian Turks," Zourabichvili emphasized.

Meskhetian Turks were deported from Georgia to Central Asia in 1944. Several thousands of them later moved to the ...
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