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APRIL 2011

BBC NEWS: Ethnic Cleansing: Revival Of An Old Tradition

posted by eagle on April, 2011 as Human Rights

Ethnic cleansing: Revival of an old tradition 
Monday, March 29, 1999 Published at 22:14 GMT 23:14 UK

Kosovo refugees: Latest victims of the "scorched earth" tactics 

By Central European Analyst Jan Repa

Nato officials say half a million people have been displaced so far in Kosovo, as a result of what they call a protracted campaign of ethnic cleansing against the local Albanians.

The wars in former Yugoslavia mark the revival of a traditional way of conducting warfare, which many thought had come to an end, in Europe at least.

Nato justifies its attacks on Yugoslavia by saying it is trying to prevent the massacre and displacement of the Kosovo Albanians.

Opponents of the bombing say Nato has no right to intrude in the internal affairs of a sovereign state of which Kosovo is a recognised part.

Legal arguments apart, the fact that refugees are crossing into neighbouring states, means that in practical terms this is no longer ...

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KC: Pro-Terrorist Group Leader Calls For Assassinations Of KC Journalists And Finnish Human Rights Activists

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Pro-terrorist group leader calls for assassinations of KC journalists and Finnish human rights activists

Publication time: 14 April 2011, 23:31 

A press conference organized by the leader of a Finnish pro-terrorist SAFKA group, which is suspected of being funded by the international terrorist network of the FSB Russia, Backman, was held in Helsinki on April 14. Finnish newspapers did not report a single word about it, because it was a very small event and not worthy of public attention.

Russian terrorist media outlets, however, paid a lot of attention to it. A hardcore KGB website LifeNews devoted to this gathering a large article entitled "Finns (i.e., Backman and the company - KC) accuse Nemtsov of Nazi ties".

The text of this KGB propaganda garbage made no mention, however, of any of these so-called "Nazis":


"The Finnish human rights defenders (actually, the Finnish agents of the terrorist group of the FSB - KC) said that they were angered with an increasing activity of the Nazis who work closely with Chechen terrorists ...

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The Other Russia: AJournalist Gets 4 Days Jail After Covering ‘Day Of Anger’

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Journalist Gets 4 Days Jail After Covering ‘Day of Anger’

A Russian journalist detained at an opposition protest must spend four days in police detention and has gone on hunger strike in protest, reports.

Elkhan Mirzoev was arrested during a Day of Anger protest on April 10 in Moscow. Police say the journalist threw himself on them repeatedly in an attempt to break through their barrier. In court on Tuesday, witnesses testified that this was untrue, and Mirzoev himself said he is a journalist and was arrested while carrying out his duties.

Mirzoev’s lawyers originally attempted to reschedule the proceedings on the basis that the materials in the case had been drawn up in an extremely careless fashion. However, On April 12, Tverskoy Regional Court Justice Borovkova dismissed the motion, saying that "consideration of the case has already begun.”

In the end, the judge sentenced him to four days of administrative ...

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CK: Refugees From Chechnya Living In Turkey Fear For Their Lives

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Refugees from Chechnya living in Turkey fear for their lives

Apr 11 2011, 23:30

The Chechen refugees now living in Turkey, among whom there are members of the Chechen separatist wing, are visiting by envoys of the current Chechen authorities, in particular, Shaa Turlaev, a former fighter and now Kadyrov's adviser, who force them to return to Chechnya, reports the European journalist Mark Broad. The information about such visits was confirmed by one of the refugees living in Turkey, who asked to call him Ruslan for the reasons of personal safety. According to his story, the authorities of Turkey refuse to investigate murders of Chechen refugees.

Ruslan told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that over the past two years, visits of former compatriots to the Chechen refugees living in Turkey became more frequent. On February 28, visitors came to the house of the former Chechen MP Doku Amagov.

They asked Amagov about what he was doing in Turkey ...

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Window On Eurasia: Injustice More Than Islam Behind North Caucasus Terrorism, Expert Says

posted by eagle on as Human Rights


Window on Eurasia: Injustice More than Islam Behind North Caucasus Terrorism, Expert Says

Paul Goble

Staunton, April 4 – Ninety percent of people in the North Caucasus who go into the forests to fight the Russian regime and its representatives are doing so because they or their families are seeking revenge for injustice rather than because they are motivated by any of the precepts of Islam, according to a close observer of that area.

"If [what is taking place]were only religious terrorism,” Aliy Totorkulov, the leader of the Russian Congress of Peoples of the Caucasus, says, Moscow "would be able to cope with it.” But "in the Caucasus, ethnic and religious terrorism constitute at most 10 percent” of the total. "Ninety percent is social.” (

Sometimes this protest against arbitrariness and injustice on the part of officials is masked by Islamic slogans, Totorkulov acknowledges in an interview with Moscow’s "Izvestiya.” But ...

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