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APRIL 2005

14 Chechen refugees detained in Transcarpathia

posted by zaina19 on April, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/5/2005 6:15 AM
4.4.2005 22:42 MSK
14 Chechen refugees detained in Transcarpathia
UKRAINE, Svalyava, Transcarpathian region. Border service officers stopped a car in the village of Solomonovo near Ukrainian-Slovak border, which was regularly used by a local man to transport Chechen refugees. 14 of them, including a woman and two children, were arrested in the home of the man who arranged transportations in the town of Svalyava.

Moukachevo border guard unit told PRIMA-News correspondent on 1 April that the refugees arrived to Transcarpathia via Kiev and Odessa. They didn’t want to remain at home due to difficult economic situation and lack of security. A network of guides operates in Ukraine who for a fee help Chechens move to Slovakia. The refugee trafficking route is now controlled by militia and border guards.

Translated by Olga Sharp
PRIMA-News Agency [2005-04-01-Ukr-03]

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Human rights supporters fromBashkortostan rally in Moscow.

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/7/2005 4:59 PM

Human rights supporters fromBashkortostan rally in Moscow.

07.04.2005, 17.22

MOSCOW, April 7 (Itar-Tass) -- Advocates of human rights from Bashkortostan have gathered at a commemoration stone to victims of Stalinist repressions in Lubyanka square in Moscow on Thursday, demanding the resignation of Bashkortostan President Murtaza Rakhimov. Around 200 protesters with flags and slogans in their hands turned up. Some of them have prisoner overalls on.

The protest act authorized by the Moscow city authorities was to begin at 3.00 p.m., but was postponed because a flight from Ufa that carried the protesters to Moscow was delayed.

A 65-strong police cordon is ensuring law and order on the scene: the situation is normal, no incidents have been reported, a source from the Moscow Interior Department told Tass.

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Samashki Demand Vengeance

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/8/2005 11:23 AM
April, 6, 2005

Samashki Demand Vengeance

2 days before the tragedy, when chastisers would lose completely the right to be named people, a driver Mahmud, the head of the group of self-defense, told a correspondent of the radio "Freedom", "There has never been such, we do not need it (about the version started by Russians, that journalists from St.-Petersburg were killed in Samashki). It is the next canard. Can you imagine, they have thought it up in order just to say something that we thought they were "employees of the FSK". Russian armies are in one kilometer from us. They have mined everything, they shoot everywhere. There is nothing to eat. A plane flies by, bombs everything. There is shelling constantly. We protect the village".

According to Movladi Udugov, that very day the special representative commission of the special department of the Joint Headquarters of ...
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Beslan Residents Say Forces Used Grenades

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/8/2005 9:47 AM
Beslan Residents Say Forces Used Grenades

Federal prosecutors are investigating claims that forces storming Beslan’s School No. 1 last September used flamethrowers and anti-tank grenades, weapons that could have dramatically increased the death toll among hostages.

Beslan residents found disposable barrels from a Shmel flamethrower and a Mukha grenade launcher in buildings near the school, Susanna Dudiyeva, head of the Mothers of Beslan relatives’ group, said by telephone Tuesday.

The Shmel fires compact fuel air shells, while the Mukha is designed to fire anti-tank grenades.

On Monday, a group of the town’s residents handed in a used Shmel barrel, a Mukha barrel and several tank shells to the Beslan prosecutor’s office, and repeated their concerns that the weapons could have caused some of the more than 330 deaths of hostages — half of them children — during the Sept. 1-3 school seizure.

«Maybe these weapons were used ...
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Will the UN Commission on Human Rights Ignore Chechnya, the Worst Human Rights Crisis in Europe?

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/8/2005 9:55 AM
Will the UN Commission on Human Rights Ignore Chechnya, the Worst Human Rights Crisis in Europe?

Release of a new report by the IHF «Chechnya: More of the Same.
Extrajudicial killings, Enforced «Disappearances», Illegal Arrests, Torture»

During the current session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF) and the International League for Human Rights (ILHR) called the armed conflict in the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation «undoubtedly the worst human rights and humanitarian crisis in Europe». In their joint statement for the Commission the human rights groups urged:

". all members of this Commission who still believe that civilians in Chechnya should enjoy the same protection against torture and other massive human rights violations as individuals in other parts of the world, to table a resolution before the deadline of 11 April."

They recalled the demands made upon ...
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