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MARCH 2011

Chechenpress: Gordon Brown On Anna Politkovskaya

posted by eagle on March, 2011 as Human Rights

Gordon Brown on Anna Politkovskaya

March 13th, 2011



It's nice to see this piece in The Independent today from Gordon Brown remembering Anna Politkovskaya.  I'm trying to figure out the timing of this move, given that it is not the anniversary of Anna's death, and given also the author of the piece: the former UK Prime Minister.  It comes just as Russia turns its nose up at current UK Prime Minister David Cameron's eager (many say over-eager) cries for a no-fly zone over Libya, and as US Vice President Joe Biden leaves Russia, following a rough dismissal of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, with a veiled dig at his tandem structure of rule with President Dmitry Medvedev.  Putin had suggested that Biden would have the clout needed in the White House to push through a no-visa package.  Biden's curt response, 'Mr. Prime Minister, in case you haven't noticed, there's a real difference between ...

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The Other Russia: Biden Meets With Russian Oppositionists & Rights Advocates

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Biden Meets With Russian Oppositionists & Rights Advocates

Representatives of the Russian opposition and human rights advocates met with US Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday to discuss civil rights violations, electoral fraud, and other issues plaguing Russian politics and society, Interfax reports.

Vladimir Ryzhkov of the People’s Freedom Party said Biden was interested in Russian media censorship and the problems faced by opposition parties in registering to participate in elections.

Ryzhkov and fellow oppositionists Boris Nemtsov and Garry Kasparov told the vice president that sanctions should be imposed against Russian civil servants who have grossly violated human rights, including the people responsible for the death of Hermitage Capital Management lawyer Sergei Magnitsky and those involved in the prosecution of jailed oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

Other oppositionists at the meeting included Yabloko party leader Grigory Yavlinsky, Right Cause leader Leonid Gozman, Communist Party representative Nina Ostanina and A Just Russia representative ...

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Waynakh: ECRE: Guidelines On The Treatment Of Chechen Asylum Seekers In Europe

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

ECRE: Guidelines on the Treatment of Chechen Asylum Seekers in Europe

Submitted by admin on Saturday, 12 March 2011

On March 8th, the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) published a report in response to concerns about the situation facing Chechen asylum seekers in Europe.

The report was prepared in response to the need of protection in Europe for Chechens, and is mainly based on information provided by the ECRE’s Member Agencies and partners. It highlights differences in the treatment of Chechens across Europe, security and protection concerns in several European countries, the negative impact of the Dublin Regulation on this group, the lack of information from the UNHCR on the situation in Russia, and provides an update on the human rights violations taking place in Chechnya itself.

Earlier we published an article about the report and its presentation in the press.

The entire report is available HERE.

*Text was written by Waynakh Online and edited by Michael Capobianco

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KC: 500 Chechens To Forcibly Deport From Norway

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

500 Chechens to forcibly deport from Norway

Publication time: Today at 14:18 Emirate time 

The forcible deportation of Chechens from Norway to Russia with unbelted police beatings arecontinuing. According to human rights activist, Akhmed Gisayev, at least 500 more people are preparing for deportation.

Denials of asylum in Norway have been made for a few more families at the moment. In the near future they will be sent to Russia. 

"This will happen as soon as he certain number of people on the expulsion is to fill the plane. The denials, according to lawyers, all are baseless after all", said Akhmed Gisayev.


The evicted families are threatened. "The denial was, for example, made to a man from Tsentoroi, whose brother was killed in the center of Chechen capital Jokhar. Norwegian immigration police believe it is not dangerous for this man to stay in Chechnya. 

It has also been denied asylum for a Chechen, whose 11 relatives ...

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