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MARCH 2010

HRW: Olympics: Don't Skate Over Rights Violations

posted by eagle on March, 2010 as Human Rights

Abuses in China, Russia, Brazil Show Games Need Human Rights Standards
FEBRUARY 12, 2010

(New York) - The Olympic Movement urgently needs to focus on human rights reform, Human Rights Watch said today as the 2010 Winter Olympics opened in Vancouver.

One ugly legacy of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is the continued imprisonment in China of those who protested forced evictions or called for human rights improvements there.  The next Winter Games are scheduled to take place in the Russian town of Sochi, where preparations for the Olympics have already generated concerns about the potential for rights violations linked to these preparations, Human Rights Watch said.

In view of the murders of human rights defenders and journalists in Russia in 2009, Human Rights Watch is particularly concerned about possible rights violations ahead of the 2014 Winter Games.  Human Rights Watch also issued a recent reportdocumenting thousands of extrajudicial killings ...

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HRW: Letter To The International Olympic Committee: Human Rights Concerns Related To Sochi Games

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Letter to the International Olympic Committee: Human Rights Concerns Related to Sochi Games
OCTOBER 1, 2009

Christophe de Kepper

Chief of Staff, President's office

International Olympic Committee

Subject: Update on human rights concerns related to Sochi Games

Dear Mr. De Kepper,

As the International Olympic Congress in Copenhagen opens this weekend, Human Rights Watch would like to take the opportunity to underscore the concerns regarding Russia's preparations for the Winter 2014 Games in Sochi that we raised in our May 2009 letter to you. In a September research trip to Sochi, Human Rights Watch learned that the concerns we raised in our May letter remain unaddressed.


The procedures for notifying residents of expropriation, establishing compensation and resettlement, and allowing residents to challenge valuations remain inadequate and lack transparency. Most of ...

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NatPress: 2009 Human Rights Report: Russia – U.S. Department Of State

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

2009 Human Rights Report: Russia – U.S. Department of State
12.03.2010 – 17:20 – NatPress.Net 
Source: U.S. Department of State 

The Russian Federation has a centralized political system, with power concentrated in the presidency and the office of prime minister, a weak multiparty political system, and a bicameral legislature (Federal Assembly). The Federal Assembly, which is dominated by the ruling United Russia party, consists of a lower house (State Duma) and an upper house (Federation Council). The country has an estimated population of 142 million. International observers reported that the March 2008 election for president was neither fair nor free, and failed to meet many international standards for democratic elections. Civilian authorities generally maintained effective control of federal security forces, except in some areas of the North Caucasus, where there were serious problems with civilian control of security forces.

There were numerous reports of governmental and societal human rights problems and abuses during the year. Direct and indirect government interference in local and regional ...

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Window On Eurasia: New Crimean Tatar Women’s Journal Highlights Revival Of Reformist Islam In That Nation

posted by eagle on as Human Rights


Window on Eurasia: New Crimean Tatar Women’s Journal Highlights Revival of Reformist Islam in that Nation

Paul Goble

Vienna, March 6 – A Crimean Tatar journal for women launched this week represents the latest development in a trend that has attracted relatively little attention: the revival especially among the Tatars and other Muslim groups in Russia of the principles of reformist Islam promoted more than a century ago by Ismail Bey Gaspirali, the Jadidist editor of "Tercuman.”
On Thursday, March 4, staff of a new Crimean Tatar women’s journal, "Arzy” ("Longing”) formally presented the first issue to the Supreme Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, a date chosen because on March 3,1906, Gaspirali launched under the editorship of his daughter Shefika the first such journal, "Alem-i Nisvan” ("Woman’s World”).
That journal, those involved with the new one said, promoted women’s equality and freedom, and the new magazine, which initially will ...

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Window On Eurasia: Memorial Calls On Medvedev To Denounce Katyn As Crime Against Humanity

posted by eagle on as Human Rights


Window on Eurasia: Memorial Calls on Medvedev to Denounce Katyn as Crime against Humanity

Paul Goble

Vienna, March 5 – On the 70th anniversary of Stalin’s decision to execute more than 21,000 Polish officers at Katyn and other places, the Memorial human rights group has urged Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to denounce that action as a crime against humanity and to ensure that those involved in that crime can be publically held responsible.
"The Katyn crime,” Memorial says, "is not only the murder in the spring of 1940 of almost 22,000 Polish citizens. It is also a half century of lies and falsifications during which the Soviet Union in spite of the evidence denied its responsibility … and tried to convince the entire world and its own citizens that the crime was the work of the Hitlerites.”
The rights group points out in its appeal that the situation in that regard ...

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