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MARCH 2009

Caucasian Knot: Human Rights Activists Of Kabardino-Balkaria Link Restriction Of Juries With The Nalchik Attack Case

posted by eagle on March, 2009 as Human Rights

Human rights activists of Kabardino-Balkaria link restriction of juries with the Nalchik attack case

mar 07 2009, 13:00

The participants of the roundtable, held at the Public Human Rights Centre of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR) believe that the restriction of juries is related to the particular criminal case, which considers the events on October 13, 2005, in Kabardino-Balkaria.

"In our opinion, the refusal from juries in cases dealing with terrorism and other anti-state crimes means a departure from democracy standards. These amendments are contradictory to the Constitution," said the head of the Centre Valery Khatazhukov in his opening word.

In Mr Khatazhukov's opinion, the very fact that at the process in the Supreme Court of Kabardino-Balkaria the prosecution stood for cancelling the jury on the criminal case on the events of October 13, 2005, indicates that the accusation party was not sure of ...

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The Other Russia: Beware Of Doing Deals With Putin – Kasparov

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

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The Other Russia: Beware Of Doing Deals With Putin – Kasparov

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

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Caucasian Knot: European Court Condemns Russia For Death Of Chechen Resident

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

European Court condemns Russia for death of Chechen resident

mar 05 2009, 19:00

The European Court on Human Rights in Strasbourg has found Russia guilty of the death of a resident of Chechnya in 2000 and has obliged the government to pay out 37,000 euros to his widow. The decision was made back on February 12, but officially announced only today.

The case related to Lecha Khazhmuradov, a resident of the Urus-Martan District of Chechnya, who perished in September 2000 in the suburb of Goiskoye village, when together with Rizvan Dokmerzaev he went to cut fire wood near the Goitinka River. According to eyewitnesses, soon two ATCs (armoured troop-carriers) drove up to the river bank, and the militaries who were in the vehicles shot Khazhmuradov and Dokmerzaev dead.

Louise Khalitova, Khazhmuradov's widow, was the applicant to the European Court; she had repeatedly and ...

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Caucasian Knot: Sochi Residents Are Ready To Reach European Court In Fight For Their Rights

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Sochi residents are ready to reach European Court in fight for their rights

mar 05 2009, 18:00

The residents of the Imereti Valley in Sochi, whose houses turned out to be within the Olympic construction zone, are ready to apply to the European Court on Human Rights in defence of their rights to favourable environment, housing and a choice of place for residence.

"The citizens who should move first filed complaints to the Adler City Court, then - to the Krasnodar Territorial one. They were 22 persons in number, all of them - individuals. They demanded to cancel the order of Governor of the Territory Tkachov about alienation of their land plots for construction of Olympic objects. However, all the claims were rejected, the courts found no violations of the law," said Alik Le, leader of the NGO named "Union of Imereti Residents".

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