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Arab Spring Effects On Nations Colonized By Russia

posted by eagle on February, 2012 as Human Rights

Arab Spring Effects On Nations Colonized By Russia


No one had predicted or even imagined that the Tunisian protests started in the early 2011, and Elbu Ezizi’s sacrificing himself for the salvation of his entire nation that had suffered of tyranny, obsession, authoritarian rule and falsification of elections for tens of years, to keep the same group that acted like a gang in power.


The Arab Spring’s train did not freeze in Tunisia; but continued a historical journey to other countries such as Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, and has presently reached Syria, which has tackled the tyrannies in charge of those countries.


Two of the above mentioned countries, Libya and Syria were considered the strongest allies with the Russian state in strategic and other vital contacts that included arms and military ties. In the Libyan example, Russia had tried to play its usual games at the United Nations Security Council and to navigate in the opposite direction of where the majority of Libyans were heading; but Russia switched sides when it felt that its ally Qaddafi & sons  had reached the point of no return to stay on top of the authority in favor of the Libyan people that had risen against an oppressive and dictator ruler who mistreated the entire country for consecutive 42 years, and spent the people’s money on personal and miscalculated projects and giveaways. Such opportunist stands were taken in the second gulf War by the Soviet government in the year 1990 and then the Russian government in the year 1993 when switching position both in the United Nations and elsewhere in both events in contrary of what was the official stand at earlier stages.


The Syrian example got more than two dimensions in which one of the dimensions deals with the fact that the Russians have felt, they are losing ground including all their cards and their game has come to an end! They started side games this time with China in order to veto and block any UN resolution against the Syrian Assad tyrant Regime, which they did,  in order to gain free hand to use Syrian ports on the Mediterranean and to assert control over the Syrian capabilities forgetting about the oppressed Syrian citizens who get killed on the bloody hands of all Syrian forces that are controlled by Assad’s government, even the criminal thugs, they are controlled, handled and operated by the Intelligence security branches. The Syrian popular revolution has increased momentum even in large cities such as Damascus and Aleppo beside the other hot areas in Homs, Hama, Idlib, Dara’a, and all various Syrian cities, towns and villages.


A second dimension deals with the Russian internal situation, which reveals a wakeup call that had suddenly echoed through the Russian society taking the example of the Arab Spring, expecting as some analysts have analyzed lately, the possibility of receiving the Arab Spring train in Russia which is reflected through the regular demonstrations that are demanding to attain the basic human rights, freedom to speak, and real free elections that would prevent those who falsified the elections in the past, the way the Arab dictators did, from repeating the old game elections after elections. The authorities however have organized counter-demonstrations (the way Arab dictators did) in support for Putin, to minimize the importance of the activities of the opposition.


All that, not to underestimate the small occupied indigenous nations and peoples in the North Caucasus and other parts of so-called Federal Republic of Russia, that are controlled by the Russian state against their well, with no respect to basic human rights or even free elections to elect their own leaders who would rule them or represent them in the so-called federation institutions.

Russia in regard to Syria and other Arab allies would not be much of a problem, because there is a time when loss is inevitable swinging stand is not a problem for a yoyo type politics. They did it before, so they will do it again; but regarding the situation in Russia itself, it will be seen that cornering the foreseeable confrontation with the masses of people is on the way, definitely the ruling junta that is obligated to continue its path to the end where no exit is available for its havoc.


That can lead to freedom for all.



19, February, 2012-02-18


Justice For North Caucasus Group

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