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The Other Russia: Udaltsov On Hunger Strike To Protest Jail Sentence

posted by eagle on February, 2011 as Human Rights

Udaltsov on Hunger Strike to Protest Jail Sentence

A Moscow regional court has sentenced oppositionist Sergei Udaltsov to ten days in jail, following a sanctioned rally in Moscow during which police accused him of disobeying their orders, reports.

According to Anastasia Udaltsova, press secretary for Udaltsov’s Left Front movement, the oppositionist does not believe he is guilty and has announced a hunger strike for the duration of his arrest.

Judge Yelena Abramova convicted Udaltsov on charges of disobeying the lawful demands of a police officer – an administrative offense in Russia.

Udaltsov was first detained on February 12 when approximately 500 protesters gathered on Moscow’s Teatralnaya Square for the Russian opposition’s monthly Day of Wrath protest. It was the first time that city authorities had agreed to sanction the rally, with previous events routinely cracked down on by police. Udaltsov also applied for permission to hold a march following the protest ...

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CK: Consideration Of The Case "Krasnenkov Vs. HRC 'Memorial'" Suspended

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Consideration of the case "Krasnenkov vs. HRC 'Memorial'" suspended

Feb 14 2011, 21:00

The consideration of the lawsuit lodged by Andrei Krasnenkov, legal representative of the head of Chechnya, against the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial" on protection of business reputation has been suspended until settlement of another case - "Kadyrov  vs. Orlov".

"The proceedings of the case have been suspended, because it is impossible until resolving the other case," the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was told in the Tver Court, where today, on February 14, the next session on the case "Krasnenkov vs. 'Memorial'". The court spokeswoman did not explain because of what particular case the consideration of this one was suspended.

Oleg Orlov, Chairman of the "Memorial", was not present at today's session.

See earlier reports: "Court session on case "Kadyrov vs. Orlov" rescheduled for March 3," "Witnesses in Kadyrov vs. Orlov litigation: being rights defender in Chechnya is dangerous," "Defence witness questioned on Orlov's case."

Author: Evgenia VlasovaSource: CK ...

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